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All posts for NabBot Support
Bot Profile Typo
Setting up News Channel
Setting up discord for Tibia Guild.
This bot can be used with other games?
Premium TC
Autorole based on level and voc
Autorole do only assign role but do not remove it
Autoroles for guild
Pending transaction
Deaths only feed
Not Showing Registered Characters
Bot assigning guild member role incorrectly
World online list and level/death channels
Stuck respawns caused by bot downtime
Problem with setting server world
Levels and Deaths does not update
red circle message notice
NabBot watchlist does not update
Issue with split-loot
Level e mortes
Respawn minimap questions
Unable to permanently delete a respawn
Imbuements Prices
Join/Leave Messages
Daily Automessage
also add to Rubinot
Several Issues - Bot unresponsive | Add/Remove autoroles Broken
Levels and deaths only for 1st added character to /im
numbers as username
When can have premmy
bot down----Yovera
AutoRoles by level
User is told they can't claim because they're already hunting there, but the respawn is empty
Respawn History
Autoroles not assigning new roles
watchlist error
broken respawns possible cause
Error im to register another character of different world
Unable to use Nabbot during Weekends
respawn used by unknown user
/im error
tibia news
nabbot not sending messages about lvl up and deaths
Error message when setting welcome message
Include damage/healing values in split-loot table
guild and players on
kicking people restarts respawn
Unable to create a watchlist
respawn next while having a current claim
Remove player from Watchlist
can't remove watchlist
Respawn mapper images
/ commands
Respawn list update
Online Status of Characters
Summer update new respawns
respawn history command error
auto roles
Command Timeline not showing my level advancement progress.
Respawn Position Bump
/resp info - error message
Nabbot Reading Every Channel
Respawn List
Only you can see this
Respawn Manage Permissions
missing respawn list
resp next error
Respawn List Duplication
adding resp error
Claiming spots for specific time/duration
Tag users who CLAIM/LEAVE/QUEUE for spawns so they can't anonymously ruin entire queues.
Watchlists not working
spawn 1710
Bazaar & Houses Watchlist
About autoroles
Social Media
Tracking levels and death
resspawn list timer bugged
no me sirven los comandos
Guildhall Auctioned Status
newchannel filters
Not receiving messages
is there any way to add the bot in a private group?
Rashid and Dreamcourt automatic update
iam/im command not getting any response
Respawn List Broken?
About a bug, in this link:
Problem with death and level ups messages
Cannot blacklist certain users
Duplicate DM, can't claim spawn
Loot Command Misreads Amulets
Ignoring Forums in discord.
Minimum Character level to register with NabBot.
premium server
Someone help me how to register a world of tibia with nabbot because it doesn't accept my command?
Other members of my discord server can't use nabbot
Bot not posting level up and deaths
Transferring my Premium
respawn time
Premium time?
Fansite Competition
Autorole not working again?
Bug in character name change log
Rotten Golem's Claim 1708b & 1708a
ingnoring users with registered chat
spawn duration
I want to set a rule based role in the server for guests.
Autorole problem
Respawns with negative time remaining
question about nabbot logging
Summer update respawns
respawn pending stuck
NabBot offline
Hey guys I'm here to tell you all, i create this API let me know if is useful
Remove a character from the level and death list
Negative time respawns
premium feature
Rotten wasteland respawn split
NabBot is not responding to commands!
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