Bug in character name change log

If a character was namelocked incorrectly, they get their old name back But the website still has the former name, e.g. https://www.tibia.com/community/?name=Delishana+Senia
Name: Delishana Senia Former Names: Delishana Senia
Whenever you @NabBot whois Delishana Senia, it posts to the log channel about a rename. Here I did whois 5 times in 1 minute and spammed the log channel. NabBot shouldn't be posting about this rename, because it's not a rename.
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2 Replies
Tschis2y ago
Galarzaa2y ago
Wow, I guess I never expected that to happen 🤦🏽‍♂️ I added a case for this, should be fixed now

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