broken respawns possible cause
the person who was pending acceptance chose to use
/respawn leave
instead of interacting with the NabBot PM
12 Replies
and I just scrolled up our respawn channel to the last time we had this bug
the same thing had happened: someone was pending, and they used
Hey Tom, this is already known and I already have a fix for it
But the fix touched important flows, and so I am waiting for a proper moment to deploy
great, thanks!
we have found and fixed the root cause
we should deploy today, hopefully
This should now be fixed, I am not aware of any different reason for the broken spawns
Feel free to report back if you see it happening again!
we had one broken this morning

but it was brokn for 10 hours
so could have been broken before the update was released?
It is my assumption (and hope), as the update didn't happen initially when planned
I wasn't able to make sure all data was fine when it actually happened
yeah, that was my guess too, and it's why I didn't make a big deal about it
if it happens again with a fresh respawn, I'll let you know
however, one thing to note: the respawn list was updating fine, even with this respawn stuck like that
yeah this wouldn't be a case where it breaks
because pending hunts have a time to end (acceptance duration)
oh yeah, this one is different, it has a "Hunt End"
Seems we are stable and this can be closed, right?