resspawn list timer bugged
keeps happening, there a solve here?
we just been clearing manually
21 Replies
Hi! When you say keeps happening, did you mean over days or over the course of today?
Clearing the resps should fix it but it appears there is more than one problem in your case.
At server save the system is reset and all cases should be fixed in a more permanent way. So it will be interesting to know if you meant over multiple days
If problem persists, can you also tell me which server id?
its good now after clearing but
ill send message when its all borked again like screenshotis that reocurring for you on daily basis?
It's been a reoccuring issue every day yes
It seems like if someone has a claim before SS and it's not ended by SS, it bugs out and goes into the - timer
i dont really know for sure yet, just that I need te keep manually clearing all spawns each day
This was an issue that happened only after the system had been online for too long. We could never find the root cause or reproduce it
It had been worked around by us restarting then system during server saves
But if you are having problems daily, the fix hasnt been working for you. You could have reached out to us earlier if it has been going on for days
I twill try to take a look again
I am taking some snapshots of the database for your server from now until server save
If there is any respawn broken now or after, let me know which
Just noticed this being bugged again, it didnt appear to be bigged right after SS, so not exactly sure when it happened
did you notice if this started happening after summer time?
or is this recent? because we haven't been seeing any reports before
well we have only been using this bot recently with the OCE servers, and we didn;'t use it for first few days as u dont clasim low lvl spawns
I have asked around and other servers did not experience this issue for a long time now
the only difference here would be the oceania server, but that is irrelevant for our system, so we are very confused
we have made one small adaption now that might help fix it, specially if it is bugging out around SS
please let us know if you continue to notice it after next SS
Hi @Mannow !
Did the situation improve after the changes I mentioned above? Or do you still have recurring issues?
Had to reset bot because it went into - and wasnt going to next etc
so still same issues
fortunately for us it seems to happen a fair few hours after SS, no idea exactly when, but when we notice it's always quite a few hours after SS when most are already alseep, so it wasn't a huge issue yet but still frustrsating for some
it actually just bugged
right now
@Mannow would it be ok to be invited to your server?
i did not receive anything
msg me first
i cant msg u
i had to send a friend request
@Mannow is it correct now? I didn't do anything yet xD
but for me it looks correct
ah ok so you cleared all after you sent the message
ok from now I will keep a look and try to catch, can also ping me so I can try to take a look as it is happening but before clearing
no worries, it seems like it happens 6 hours after ss or so
now is example
thanks, I have gotten some dumps of data from past examples
we have a good idea where the problem is happening but still haven't found out what triggers it
Hi, I saw your tag on your server
This the same bug reported in this thread
Unfortunately. There is no update for it, as can be seen in the thread itself
We know why (data wise) the resps are bugged, but not how (which commands or flow) it became that
As we invested considerable effort into it with no good outcome, we decided to focus on the new bot instead
However, due to other reasons unrelated to the respawn system, the new bot has not been released yet