
Guys, why don't use Amazon AWS or Azure services as providers? Amazon AWS offers alot of high/demand tiers included the possibility of 1y of free tier AWS services Using AWS or Azure you can easly scale up Network and Resources without any kind of problem @Tschis @Callie @Blamezune @Galarzaa cc: @Deli @Zions Tokes @tom
18 Replies
Galarzaaā€¢9mo ago
I have considered this at some point, but I don't know if I have done the right calculations for it but the cost seems to increase quite a lot Currently, bot is running on a 8 vcores system and using around 16 GB
NexjiOPā€¢9mo ago
You can use Aws pricing calculator, looking for EC2 instances and Azure pricing Calculator for do the correct calcs. For example for a c5.2xlarge with 8v cores and 16GB ram and up to 10Gb of Network performance its 0.708 On-Demand Hourly Cost. 388.36/Month.
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tomā€¢9mo ago
bargin šŸ˜…
Tschisā€¢9mo ago
šŸ˜… bro we pay 18 euros per month today similar other solutions we are considering vary from 24~32 there's no way we would afford 390 USD a month for our bot, sorry šŸ˜›
Roviā€¢9mo ago
important to mention we're all from third world countries in which a dollar is worth more than 5x our currency haha
Galarzaaā€¢9mo ago
Yeah, I mean of course I would like to move to such services, have a better infrastructure and better scalability, but we are right now, NabBot is not sustainable to do that
NexjiOPā€¢9mo ago
have you guys checked DigitalOcean Services?
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NexjiOPā€¢9mo ago
also Hetzner, german provider:
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Galarzaaā€¢9mo ago
Hetzner and netcup are our possible options
tomā€¢9mo ago
btw the tibiadata admin uses hetzner, if you decide to go with them, maybe ask to see if you get get a referral code or something
Galarzaaā€¢9mo ago
I believe also TibiaLive @Nohus ā€“ Tibia Live App is in there šŸ¤”
Nohusā€¢9mo ago
AWS is extremely overpriced. It's worth it if you are a big enterprise using lots of AWS services. It's not otherwise. And yes I use Hetzner and I'm happy with it. I used to use Digital Ocean before, but moved to Hetzner when they increased prices (5 years ago or so).
tomā€¢9mo ago
I've been tempted to make the same switch I'm on DO for my servers and it's pretty expensive the advantage is literally 0 downtime for years
emxpā€¢9mo ago
Again, Iā€™m more than happy to pay more to help support nabbot. Even if I pay a larger chunk than others, I love the bot and would like to see it succeed
Roviā€¢9mo ago
tibia has been providing us sugar mommies in different forms oh shit i thought it was the lounge and not the forum thread my bad lmao
tomā€¢9mo ago
yeah, I pay 2x premium even though I use on 1 server
Galarzaaā€¢9mo ago
I'm very tempted with Hetzner, but we are on 16 GB usage approx, so we might want to jump on to the next one, which already 4x the current costs šŸ¤” but we have found good references about it On the other hand, netcup is affordable, it still a climb up, but seems affordable, and I have found decent references about it Definitely would be nice to move to a dedicated server instead I appreciate the offer. And I appreciate it @tom too, I had no idea! it means a lot, but it is hard for us too, because we do not want to disappoint because we still have a lot of work to do, even after deploying to a bigger server, would want to feel like it was wasted if the results are not there right away. So we prefer to first bring results and then the rewards for it will come. We have been adding many features to our backlog due to this migration, that we are eager to start working on after we can finally sort this out.
Tschisā€¢9mo ago
We have started with another provider Thank you for the discussion! Will close this now

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