Summer update respawns
Hi, could I request that the new respawns are added to the respawn system?
Murky Caverns (Werecrocs) -1 -,32926,8:2
Murky Caverns (Werecrocs) -2 -,32987,8:2
Oskayaat Undercity (Weretigers) -1 -,32932,8:2
Oskayaat Undercity (Weretigers) -2 -,32950,9:2
Northern Darama
Jaded Roots -,31661,14:2
Putrefactory -,31684,14:2
Gloom Pillars -,31822,14:2
Darklight Core -,31879,14:2
13 Replies
It completely slipped my mind
Thanks for the suggestion/reminder
will put these in ankrahmun and darashia for now, but these divisions we have are wrong considering the areas for the cyclopedia
will consider this for the new respawn system as well to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings with cyclopedia boosted areas
In my suggestion I just went with their cyclopedia map areas, because I think that's what you were doing for the past few updates
oskayaat is in tiquanda
Oh, is it? My bad
I would have written tiquanda if I knew that
and we have "ankrahmun" and "Darashia" as an area, even though these are not really areas with respawns
when you consider the oasis tomb for example, it is in Ankrahmun atm but it should be Southern darama
so we have to check that in the new system
Speaking of, how is the new system coming along? 👀
a lot of progress in june, very little progress in july
going back to the original topic: I think the werecroc/weretiger respawns are best suited to having 1 respawn per cave, instead of splitting -1 and -2

see this discussion ^
so, even though I originally suggested splitting them in my post, I've changed my mind now and think they shouldn't, but it's up to you
yeah i haven't been there but looking at the maps, doens't look big enough
yeah, I think it will be a case of 1 player for 2 floors as default, but in unusual circumstances (rapid resp or both low level) they could share it
new respawns are live
thanks for the support @tom50