numbers as username
Do we know why this happens? When I look up a character, it sometimes will only pop up as numbers for their discord user name. Is there a workaround for this?

6 Replies
Hmm yeah that is a problem with the Discord client, seems to be more often on mobile than desktop.
I think probably should show it like:
@emxp (@emxp) has the following...
Yes, I really only notice it on my phone but we have a work around using the Dyno bot. Was mostly just curious
Just so the name is always visible, but we have the mention there to quickly find the user, or deal with cases with duplicate usernames
It's a shame that mentions are so troublesome. When they work they are amazing
But it is an issue on discord's side, on our side all we do is pass the user's ID like: @emxp
And Discord is the one that has to display that properly
Gotcha, thanks for the information!!! It normally works great, just sometimes gets wonky
@Galarzaa (<@162060569803751424>) has the following characters: Galarzaa Fidera (Lvl 287 RP), Galarzaa Redd (Lvl 148 EK), Galarzaa The Druid (Lvl 114 ED), and Galarzaa Deathbringer (Lvl 77 MS)
Galarzaa Fidera ♂️
Level: 287
Vocation: Royal Paladin 🏹
World: Gladera
Residence: Thais
Title: Gold Hoarder
Guild: Ironbreaker of the Bald Dwarfs
Married to: Auron Freezecaster
House: Trout Plaza 2 (Svargrond)
Achievement Points: 410
Last Login: <t:1725126702:R>
See more
Account Information
Loyalty Title: Warrior of Tibia
Other Characters: 10
Created: <t:1085200543:R>

Oh, I fixed this one but forgot to mention it in the update notes