Setting up discord for Tibia Guild.
Hi Guys, i want to do some changes in the current discord. Please explain to me, if Nabbot is able to do it:
1. First of all i want to have rules for every new member of the discord. If he will approve it (by clicking) then he received GUEST role.
2. Regarding tibia:
- lvl info/death info about members of the guild
- automatically information about how many people are online on the server
- automatically information about boosted creatures (without passing the command)
- Somethink like teamhunt finder. For example picking my lvl + profession and bot will reply available online people with parituclar lvl. Or providing information who i am looking for and bot will find online players
3. Also i think about applications for roles in the discord.
25 Replies
How to do point 6?
Is the documentation unclear?
ok wait
ok its easy. Works
Point 3, how to track them?
Everyone needs to put theis name by command: i am....
optionally you can use watchlist feeds, a premium feature
it can specify which characters you want to track instead of only characters registered by members
but nabbot was created with the intention to have people register their own characters and functions better that way
ok, i can try to ask people to do so, but currently 80 people and reach everyone would be hard
it's kind of the whole point of the bot
if your community is not interested, then might be worth rethinking if it's a bot they would actually enjoy and use
Hi @Tschis
/allowlist guild add - this is not working for me
where could be an issue?
i would need more details
I want to track levels/deaths of my guild members
i guess this is how it works
But are you facing problems with the command or with the recurring bot issues on Sunday?
Hi yes
i cant assign my guild to be followed (levels and deaths)
You haven't answered the question
Please just show me with a screenshot what the problem is
I have issue with the command. I guess i fill everything ok and still if someone gain level there is no info in the particular channel
if you have issues with the command, please share a screenshot of the issue
if there are no issues with the command then the command is likely not the problem
please check if you have watchlists filters
and provide me your server id
maybe i have an issue with channel
i will give u permission soon. In the channel Levels and Deaths, i want to have all levels and deaths of the guild. Which command should i use?
- Your server does not have a levels and deaths channel set
- Having this configured means anyone on your server with characters registered would be announced
- If you want to filter announcements only for your guild, you have to use watchlist feeds (this is a premium feature)
Is is lifetime?
I would recommend to use the bot without filtering and see if you enjoy it enough
Then consider premium afterwards, if you think the new features and/or supporting the bot is interesting 🙏
so to use in private way eveyrone needs to register who they are by the command /im
I don't know what you mean with "Private way", but yes, it will require people to register
tHERE is another issue, my friend did it and still no info about his lvl up
"There are no characters to register, the following are already registered to you: Kaziu Inter
has this character leveled up after they registered?
That is because you have created a filter for your guild, but your server is not premium
So there are several things at play here. Let me try to clarify, as I might have confused something myself or for you:
- if you just add nabbot to your server, and configure which Tibia world to track and configure the levels announcement channel, NabBot will announce any level or death detected for the users in your discord that have registered characters
- if you configure an
allowlist add guild
, it tells nabbot to only announce events for the characters in that guild. However, this is only usable
- if you add a watchlist, it will create a channel similar to a VIP list. It will just show who is online based on how you configured the watchlist (e.g. your enemies, or your friends, or a guild, etc). If you want a channel to specifically announce events for these characters, then you need a watchlist feed. This is a premium only feature
So for Kaziu Inter
, it did not announce because he is not part of your guild
If another member of your guild has leveled up and it wasn't announced (after you configured the allowlist), please give me the name and I can investigate