guild and players on

nabbot updated the discord in a maximum of 10 minutes, the watchlist is now every 1h, and when does it want to update
31 Replies
Tschis8mo ago
Hi, what does it mean “every hour and when it wants to update”?
I leave my guild on the watchlist to see who is on and the hunted, but these lists update every 1 hour.. there are times when it doesn't update once a day
Tschis8mo ago
Can you tell me your server id? I am in a few servers and they seem fine. It is taking longer to update than before, but they are working fine (10-15 mins)
Black Sheep Brotherhood Nabbot is still not working because it doesn't update anything or create a watchlist?
Tschis8mo ago
Deaths and levels are enabled again Watchlists still off, for now. We still work on it
I can't see the command now to put the up and death of those who are registered, can you guide me please?
Tschis8mo ago
If you had it before and it wasnt a watchlist, it should be working already This is the command to set it on an unconfigured server
Admin commands - NabBot
A Discord bot for the MMO Tibia
Nothing here is updating, no commands, no lvl and deaths, nothing, no commands I made
Tschis8mo ago
multiple servers I am in have their level up and deaths working the watchlists are still disabled (we are focusing on a big rework for them, hopefully coming soon) watchlists have been reenabled @blacksheepbrotherhood if the problems persist, can you update me on what they look like?
good morning.. I'm still having problems with the watchlist, it's taking a little more than 15 minutes, it was updated twice yesterday. only 1 time for now
Tschis8mo ago
only 1 time today? can you screenshot it?
Tschis8mo ago
what time is it for you? que horas são pra vc agora?
Tschis8mo ago
nabbot sends 1 message every hour and updates the message during this 1h if you are waiting for these notifications on cellphone you will only get it every 1h when it replaces the message we are still experimenting with the changes we made to watchlists, but they are recently updating at 5~8minutes intervals depending if we face issues or need to restart, it can change until we stabilize it does that explain the behavior, @blacksheepbrotherhood I am 🇧🇷 , if you want to discuss in Portuguese (I offer this based on the "agiota blindada" character 😂 )
Oi pera kkkk agiota blindado ?
Tschis8mo ago
É o char que ta online aqui
A sim entendi
Tschis8mo ago
Então, ta tudo ok? Estamos analisando e buscando melhorar o tempo de update, mas por enquanto devia estar funcionando relativamente consistente
Rs então tem horas q vai de 1h às vezes de 15 mim e ontem atualizou 2x só
Tschis8mo ago
Mas ontem você mandou e na mesma hora tinha atualizado 🤔 Você ta olhando o “last updated” na mensagem ou a hora que ela foi enviada? É pra receber uma mensagem nova a cada hora mas ela é editada
Então foi aquela vez que te mandei e de noite só A hora q foi atualizado Q nem hj a última last foi 9:28
Tschis8mo ago
@Galarzaa fyi
Galarzaa8mo ago
preciso voltar a practicar meu portugues... tldr, watchlist não ta atualizando?
Tschis8mo ago
Yea, for his server Only 2 yesterday. Today was last at 09:28 (14 or 15:28 cest)
Galarzaa8mo ago
Had some dowtime there on the watchlist worker
No description
Galarzaa8mo ago
Yes, checks out
Tschis8mo ago
@blacksheepbrotherhood é pra estar tudo certo e atualizando em alguns minutos posso ver esse comportamento em vários servidores de discord que faço parte o seu deveria estar ok também, confirma?
Ainda não tá 100% não tem horas que atualiza tem hora q não kkk
Tschis7mo ago
@blacksheepbrotherhood e agora? a gente consertou um problema que estava afetando certos servidores do discord mas não outros por isso estava confuso
Hj n consegui acompanhar vou ver aqui

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