Autoroles not assigning new roles
Unsure what data you need, but autoroles aren't being assigned / removed properly when members of the guild are promoted. Server ID: 688218936889704592
11 Replies
Shoopdawhoop was promoted to Rassaphore in my guild, but his role on Discord remains Member..
Shoopdawhoop ♂️
Level: 138
Vocation: Royal Paladin 🏹
World: Lobera
Residence: Thais
Title: Creature of Habit (Grade 2)
Guild: Rassaphore of the Old Brotherhood
House: Othehothep III a (Ankrahmun)
Achievement Points: 30
Last Login: <t:1721952536:R>
See more
Account Information
Loyalty Title: Sentinel of Tibia
Created: <t:1712609322:R>

@Vozuk is the role still not updated? if it was updated, can you check when it was updated?

he was promoted after this and nabbot did not appoint him the new role (Rassaphore) and remove the old role (Member)
We confirmed there is an issue
We will discuss a proper solution, thanks for the report!
Just checking in on this, we released a fix for this some days ago:
Is this still happening?
I think it's been working, I'll watch to see if I notice any further errors
seems to have worked at least once correctly

I will close this as fixed since you haven't reported other issues!
Thank you for the report