premium feature
Hello! I would love to get stats like this for my guild but I don’t currently pay for premium. If I up my subscription to the premium version, is it possible to get this for my guild for the 2022 year
15 Replies
NabBot saves data from all characters that are registered to users on discord
If the characters were registered to a discord user during the whole year, the data will be available
However, trading/name changing is currently a bit wonky so it could be that some characters do not show up as their data is split instead of consolidated
But we can wait Galarzaa to confirm before you become premium 👍
Further clarifications
- Guild membership is counted based on status on the server save of January 1st 2023
- Deaths and level of guild members that are not in the guild at this date will not count.
- All level ups and deaths of characters in the guild at this date will be considered, regardless of their guild status at the time. Although only characters registered via NabBot are considered
- Characters who went through bazaar or name changes might have their data split as nabbot might consider them different characters in some circumstances
Where can I find this stats page?
Has to be requested, it still involves manual steps to be created
@emxp let me know if there is interest, as I mentioned above it still requires manual intervention to be created
just finished the stats for Tom and his guild alliance in Nefera
it is worth noting that the Global stats will be released soon for data of all worlds, as well as filtered by world
that will be available in the website, which is a dynamic result that can be more fun to use, as you can hover the data, filter out things, play with the graphs, take a look at other worlds, etc
what you posted is what I created for my guild, similar to what I created for Tom, and is a static image
which you can't interact with, but we hope to release it via the web page in the future as well
Thank you so much for explaining this to me! So as far as I understand, the guild and the people in the guild must be in it by the 1st of January for the year you want the statistics?
They had to be in the guild on january 1st 2023, which is the date of the backup
Even if I’m requesting the report for 2022
- the data is saved during the whole year, as long as your discord users had registered their characters during this period
- on 1st of january 2023 we made the backup of all the data, and use it based on this date, so anyone on your guild on january 1st (based on our backup) will have their data available
so (let's ignore bazaar to simplify): if you only registered your character on 25th December 2022, there would only be 6 days of data but if you had your character registered the whole year, your whole year worth of data will be available (for example, it could show up on the global stats that were released yesterday but when you ask for the stats of a guild, we have to define only a specific group of characters. If some character was not part of the guild on January 1st, then it will not be considered. Even if it was part of the guild for the whole year 2022, and even though we have the data. That is because we can't know it should be considered as it was not in the guild on the day we made the backup, as we don't keep track of guild membership history we can't retroactively check on a similar example, a character that was registered on discord for the whole year of 2022 but only joined the guild on 31st December 2022 would still be considered and we will have the whole year of data availableBasically: guild stats are available to all characters that were registered to a discord user during 2022 and were in the guild on January 1st 2023
Thank you for that!! How do I request this to be made for my guild? And what’s the pricing? I have to touch base with my leaders before making this decision
@NabBot premium price
NabBot Premium Prices
The price for 30 days of premium is 200 .
To purchase, transfer to Nab Broker and then submit the payment using:
@NabBot premium buy «amount» «character»
replacing with the amount sent and the character you transferred the coins from.
Remember to remove the «
Other commands
For help and other commands:
@NabBot help premium
@emxp that's the premium price and the link to docs
the request requires guild name and discord server ID
Overview - NabBot
A Discord bot for the MMO Tibia
Unknown User•3y ago
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this is a totally unrelated topic, please use a different thread
but yes, you should be able to
Unknown User•3y ago
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this is a support topic for a specific user about the premium feature of guild stats 👍