Polygonflow Dash


Polygonflow Dash

In this server, you can ask any question you may have about Dash. The world building plugin for Unreal Engine 5.







Migrating/Backingup Tagging Data

Hi guys, How is the best way to handle backing up the Dash Content Library (Computed/Tagged Assets)? I have to install a new SSD as my main Windows drive, so I will re-install Unreal and Dash in this new Windows instalation in this new SSD....

Search multiple Tags

should this be possible and i'm just not using it right? basically i want to search multiple tags to narrow down the search.

Road tool problem

How can i select my road again to edit values? I tried clicking on output mesh and curve but nothing!

Tagging Credits Question

hi what happens when you run outta credits - can you buy a credit pack or do i have to wait! I just imported a large project and have no credits left?

Slider Problems

I'm getting some weird behaviour when using the spinners in the UI. For some values I have to mouse drag a lot, and frequently the value just gets stuck and can even flicker back and forth between lower and higher values. Is this a known thing or is there some global setting ti adjust slider sensitivity?

Hello guys I'm having issues with

Hello guys I'm having issues with computing assets of my own creation.

UE5 plugin Dash #unrealengine5 #unrealen...

We have started to do 1 min showcases of Dash on our LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, X and YouTube accounts. Please follow us and reshare so we can continue to build the best world building toolset ever 🎉 https://youtube.com/shorts/Gv_4RRuaVY4?feature=share...

@CGF and @Chris(CudaCores) what is your

@CGF and @Chris(CudaCores) what is your time zone? I think with a couple of back and forth we can find the issue and fix it. If you can record a video with the output log open when using the tool that would help to see if there is any weird behavior/message

Dash cannot tag your assets. Please

Dash cannot tag your assets. Please check your internet connection. There is a warning, there is no problem with my internet.

If I want to drop an object in V 5.4.3

If I want to drop an object in V 5.4.3 - Dash 1.7.1 - it is always placed on Coordinate 0.0.0 in my landscape - not where I am. And everything takes forever

There's some kitbash asset in the

There's some kitbash asset in the polyhaven contents, but when dragged, it's in a single static mesh is there an option to import them as separate? I tried the split action in modeling mode but it's not the best...
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Should I have to add an external project

Should I have to add an external project under preferences EVERY time I open a project? Was hoping a particular Unreal project could have a preference to which folders/external projects I want added to that projects library. As of now, I'm having to tick on and off which ones I want every time I open a project. In the end I may just use the Automatically Add all external projects...but would be nice if each unreal project could have it's own DASH preference file that saved which external proj...

Too many strange things seem to happen

Too many strange things seem to happen....really want this software to work, still in a Trial...but feel I'm beta testing the software 😦 Just installed 1.7.1 opened a project I've been working on and 10 of the 32 assets show up in the content library. Re-open said project and they all show up once again. Ugh... Similar update type issues happen when I import models to be tagged...have to re-open Unreal for them to show up and have the option to be computed for tags. On my other thread the...
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In some instances its +50 in the air.

In some instances its +50 in the air.

When I import new models to my level...

When I import new models to my level...and then go to have them TAGGED Dash says there are no new assets that need tagging. I use the elipse menu to CHECK for untagged...and it says again no new assets. I'm looking at several new models I've imported under my Furniture Folder that have not been tagged and do not show up in the Content Browser. Now the strang thing is I'm pretty sure eventually they will show up as untagged and let me tag them....but this seems like a bug. Anyone else have si...

It says "please check your internet

It says "please check your internet connection" and when i click the wait for tagging 14, it says, "You have reached the maximum number of tags you can use for this month" gotcha thanks for clarifying the polyhaven tree stuff. What would be the best way to import trees from within the project or from other project to be used for scattering?...
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Saving Mechanism 1.7

question: I have been working on 1.6 for a project for a while that I push on a a server as part of a larger team and everything works fine. Will upgrading my end to 1.7 change anything that could influence the already existing work (that by the way has not been baked or anything in case there are changes at the moment).. cause I saw a it works a little differently in your tutorial I think? Thx

License Issue

xD this again :p
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When computing AI Tags, an error occured

When computing AI Tags, an error occured it seems...the tiny thumb says right click to re-compute...but there isn't an ability to right click said thumb. What should I do?
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Hi @Adnan Chaumette , I have tagging

Hi @Adnan - Founder/CEO , I have tagging issues...Can you help please?
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