Polygonflow Dash


Polygonflow Dash

In this server, you can ask any question you may have about Dash. The world building plugin for Unreal Engine 5.







Can someone please tell me why my trees are surfing the waves?

Soooo, yes this happened last night. any idea what triggers it?????

Content missing

Hi, ive been using dash for about 2 weeks. Its great! but few issues. Today when i load an existing level the terrain has gone. Still in outliner but not visible in the level and the content browser is missing assets and sections such as megascans etc. Says unified view only. Am i missing something here that i need to reset?
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Increased Use Cases for Path scatter.

When experimenting with path scatter to shingle roofs with individual shingles, I've encountered some things that i believe would help quite a bit with art direction/work flow speed, also with performance when living within draw call budgets. (draw call budgets or methods used depending on scope and scale of a project) so what im about to explain is per my use case which is large scale with flexibility and control over art direction with just a few assets). The goals of this is to completely get rid of tiling meshes. or provide the option of doing so. Path scatter can snap to a surface, Which this is great, Makes it perfect for putting shingles on a roof, While providing degrees of control one would want with some rotational jitter and rotational overrides to overlap and help follow the geometry of the surface used for projection....

e-on Vue | PlantFactory and PlantCatalog Now FREE

Hello, Dash team A new library on VUE, called Planet Factory, contains a vast catalog of planets that are already ready for use in any software, particularly UE. I hope Dash has the ability to use this catalog. Thanks ...
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Compute assets from external content folders while working in a different project.

A suggestion: Let us compute assets from other content folders while working in a main project, without the need of open the projects. It can be also used for the vault folder from the unreal Marketplace (downloaded assets without "uproject files" but with content folders) or plugin content folders (Twinmotion content plugin as example)...

Landscape mode extremely sluggish when scatters are active

I'm not sure whether this is a bug or a "feature", so I tagged this with both "bug" and "feature request". When there are active scatters in a native UE landscape, any action in Landscape mode is extremely slow. The whole UI becomes sluggish, even clicking in buttons that have nothing to do with the scatters themselves. For example, in one extreme case I measured, I had to wait 70 seconds just to be able to change from Landscape mode to Selection mode. If I freeze the scatters, this behavior disappears and everything becomes normal. One problem is that there's no way (as far as I could find) to freeze all scatters at once. If I have 10 scatters in a terrain, I have to select one by one and freeze/unfreeze one by one. This is extremely annoying. There should be a way to freeze/unfreeze all at once....

Generation of prefabs by AI suggestions and asset types in a collection.

Hi... I have been looking at software like this since i tested the one called Promethian AI for UE. And if i recall correct they had a feature were you could have the AI create/generate something like a prefab of many assets from a text input on what you want. I guess you had to create a collection of things first, and also categorize the assets into groups and/or give them tags like for instance: Scifi - Cyberpunk - Steampunk - Vintage - 90th's - 80th's - Retro - New - Old - Futuristic - Damaged - Pristine And so on.
And also tags/category groups like: chairs - sofas - tables - workbench - desk - walls - roofs - doors - lamps - "furniture" - "Exterior" - "Interior" ( something to act as a macro tag/category) - "Glass"/"Glasses" (also tags for: Kitchen appliances - Wearables - Decoration++) **There are hundreds of group names/category names/tags - that would be nice to add your assets to for this. And something that should be done when something is imported or added to the project. Or else it can take a long time to do if you use dash on a existing projects, unless the AI can help the users by reading the asset names and give suggestions by starting function that let's you go through all the meshes (assets) in the project(s) linked to dash......

Dash Splat maps

DASH splat maps or a way to procedurally paint the terrain using the paint layers in landscape material

Auto landscape material for mesh terrain

The only way to see displacement map of a material in path tracer is to apply it to a mesh with modeling tools. ...but it is not possible to apply displacement to a landscape object. Auto landscape material (ex. brushify) are really good to build fast biome but they just apply to landscape (they are based on height). Would be helpful (and possible?) an auto material that can work with mesh terrain and would be possible to apply the displacement map of that material (with modeling tools) to the terrain mesh before render with path trace?...

How can I deactivate licenses if I don't have access to the computers where it is activated?

Hi! So that's my problem. I have a perpetual license, and supposedly I can activate it in 2 PCs. It's activated in one computer but when I'm trying to activate it in another, it just gives me the error "This license key has already been activated the maximum number of times. Error code: 26". I don't know on which other computer it is activated, but I have already checked and it's not activated on any other computer that I have access now. So, is there a way to deactivate the license in all compu...

Lite version, scatter practice demo

I noticed that there are times I need to practice scattering again after a long time of having no subscription. As there are now tons of features and modifications. I would like to retain the comfort of having a good grasp of the actual workflow by using it without going back to tutorials. I know that its editor only, would it be possible that you can have a sort of playable demo project that we can practice the features with the ui with a certain asset or collection. But of course we cant do a build from it. Its just for practicing the scatter with assets. The other option was to have a light version but some features that are grayed out. But i think this is challenging as most things are needed. Hehe...

Dash Curve coordination space

Dash curve seem to use own coordination pivot and set 0,0,0 as default (even the real world location would be differen e.g. 7000,0,0). Makes tricky to use the dash curve as input for PCG. Would be cool to have toggle setting.
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Surface scatter suggestion

Hey everyone, hope you're all doing great! I've got a quick suggestion regarding Dash. It would be fantastic if we could scale down the scattered grass near edges, like the border of a terrace overlooking a lawn. This feature, similar to Forest Pack plugin's border feature in 3ds max, would reduce the overlap between the grass and the terrace edge, resulting in a cleaner look and less intersections for the grass. Let me know if you need further clarification! Thanks a lot, and keep up the good work !...

Improvements for upload own libraries

Hi! Despite that Dash is an amazing tool. I think that managing libaries is not very intuitive at the moment. One of the things that I realized is that when you compute certain assets, those are not immediately load in another simultaneously open project. It would be cool a refresh update button if is possible, so you don’t have to close the project and open it again. I know that it’s not a big deal, because once you compute the assets, those will be available in any project every time. But for...

Search prompt text bar

As the parameters continue expanding like with scatter tools, it would be nice to have a little text prompt search bar to find the parameter you’re looking for. Not urgent but a nice to have

Hi, Dash-Team.

What do you think about a “look at target” feature for the Surface Scatter tool? – It would be great to have it for a concert scene, for example, where the audience is looking at the stage. - If this already exists... please show me. I didn't find anything like that.


Add lights to scene (e.g. spotlights and parameters).

Display Text

Any thoughts on adding display text render to viewport? Plain text box to add to the level (no triggers, etc. simple as possible).

Materials Panel for custom assets

Is it possible to add the materials panel for custom assets? e.g. adjust roughness, normal, color etc. The function seems to only be available for megascans assets. Not sure if this is possible to configure on the backend. Thanks!