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All posts for Solara
Session life
Problem with fontawesome
Anyone had any luck setting themes
Am I missing something simple? How do I
@iisakkirotko is there an easy way to
Hey ! Quick question : can I had a
The key issue isn't about CSS rotation
Would it be possible to build a chat
Hi, I was using the Databricks
discord account nuker broncode @here
can someone please help me to understand
Hi! I'm kinda new to Solara, does anyone
I added some asyncio task to my program
Hi, I am looking for a Solara Auth
Hi, 2 questions:
is there a demo or best enviroment
multiple terminals synchronization
@iisakkirotko what do you think of that?
what can I do next to test how it works
Very good questions, will get back to
Solara on databricks
Hey all. I have this piece of code and
Does anyone know how I might interact
Hi, can you tell me where to dig to add
when embedded with FastAPI is there a
Llama2 Chatbot
For logged on users I want to give users
Well I am definitely on the right track
another question i just want to combine
2 No if you put in a top level dict not
If I ve setup an app with multiple pages
Thank you for your answer but next
Blender with Solara
would be very happy to be a guinnea pig
Which version of lab running pip install
Thanks how could I programatically set
it seems to be functional not sure I
3 what s the best way to implement `push
2 when I create a module level reactive
couple of questions around session
I m not sure what you mean but changing
hey solara team looking into state
hope to know when we will get this fixed
The timer thread is an infinte loop That
I m trying to run Solara as Embedding in
Aren't all these the responsibility of the browser to fetch stuff from the CDN?
what did you use for that
btw working with Layout and routes was a
Question regarding the `component vue` I
Hi I’ve been trying to add background
Another question I m trying to attach
I m using IntelliJ
No error populates to python itself but
Deploy beta testers
https panel holoviz org gallery glaciers
It works fine with JupyterLab but Solara
I m up for a screen recording session
Message: App is disconnnected, and may not function properly. Please refresh the page.
InputDate with buttons
Making a logger per kernel/user
multipage jupyter dashboard
go.Scatter selection randomly not triggering
How do i remove items from GridDraggable?
How to add an event listener to reacton.ipyvuetify.FileInput?
on_click with button_parent object
Hiding appbar
Solara server disconnect - settings
Logging in docker
Can't start solara even with VPN
Testing button click
Support for pop-up notifications?
Multiline ChatInput
How to download?
combining custom routes and custom layout
Clearing a component
Vue plugins & packages with solara
<script> tag in HTML component
404 errors on Jupyter kernels running under starlette
Updating & re-rendering custom `component_vue`
Update state when component is displayed in the front end
Change size of matplotlib fig
Does Solara offer a directory picker widget by any chance?
is there a way for an user to communicate with the kernel through the client?
Best Front-End for App with a more Advanced UI?
Localization of datetime
Missing Static Assets in Solara Installation (main8.css)
State updates don't trigger page rerender in some cases
Update Ipyaggrid data from selected dataframe
Dashboard from a dataframe, modified only i-th row
Second sidebar
iPhone mine
Database interaction
Is there a way to manage multi-user storage?
I am trying to create an HTML component with event listeners.
Solara not respecting different root path
Context doesn't update when fetching from a namespace
Documentation on caching behaviour
hiding details page in navbar with AppLayout
ipyaggrid switch between light and dark mode
standard file input using the v-file-input component.
Efficiently rendering a list of components
Add style for Appbar
Authorization example using a Thread/Task is even possible?
Right-click context menu onto another widget
FastAPI/nginx deployment issues, virtual kernels not served correctly?
inputText label position
CSV file as input?
Console error rendering markdown links in `solara.Markdown`
Trying to show a shap plot with solara
Troubleshooting Jupyter Lab Installation
How to execute code that was generated by the solara chatbot?
Changing text color in a Selectable DataTable cell by using an external function
Model Interaction Interface
Example vue component using `<script setup>` pattern?
Highlight values in dataframe
Sidebar not hiding
Current best practices for deploying a solara app for testing on an ubuntu server(or other)?
Solved: Can solara.Card(title="Long title to word wrap instead of wrapping mid word")?
Nested Vue Component import for Web
Solved: Solara example apps not working at the moment
Annoying transition between Plotly figure updates
rendering pdf
Debugging Solara in PyCharm
Disable "FileDownload" button once user has downloaded the file
Preventing parent re-renders or preventing input fields from losing their current value on re-render
Markdown editor not entering space characters properly
How to cancel task?
MarkdownEditor not displaying in vscode notebook
Hide AppBar
How to show progress of FileDrop?
Force solara to use https in redirect uris
Style order
error-empty page after execution
Thread vs Task
Redirect URI error when testing login in solara app
How to make `slider.value` reactive?
Creating a form when I don't know how many user inputs there will be at development time
Solara Error
Finding size of image in figure
any upcoming plans/existing ways to create guided tour functionality (solara)?
any way to export solara app as an executable app?
How to access the user's microphone?
process results of a field change to another element level
Wish to have Select components within Row arranged side-by-side.
What are the limitations/restrictions of solara.DataFrame()?
Gracefully exiting kernel when users closes UI page
Send components to another browser tab or window
Admin Portal examples and templates
**Issue with Loading Static JavaScript and CSS Files Using `<script>` Tags in Solara**
how do I build a solara app thats on a website?
Best practices for state management and encapsulation
http requests to backend API
InputDateRange question
ipyaggrid styling
Ipyaggrid Grid element - Get selected row if click on it
why use_routes can't work in jupyterlab?
Need a button with a label that changes with each click
Using to create scatterplot_mapbox, map displays but animation does not work
automatic reload not working (new user) (fixed)
Pyodide locally
Providing a custom Layout
error running solara
Styling guide
how to use on_kernel_start
Solara code generation by LLM
How can I Identify whether cellphone or PC is visiting my page
"Global" variables, scoped to user
does solara work on macbook?
Is it possible to update a df assigned to a reactive object without recreating it ?
An issue regarding to the order of reload vs refresh
Solara DataFrame column padding
Any API or methods for drag and drop
loading static JS file
Responsive layout
404 Solara Router
Help Regarding Multi-page
Avatar edge contains color
Is there any way to catch exceptions raised during rendering?
Troubleshooting ipydatagrid
chatbox child doesn't refresh
Run JS script
Any API or method to know when the app is fetching data?
Theme support for extended colours and named colour in theme reference
Issue. MismatchingStateError with Auth0 in Solara Auth Sample on AWS EC2
Reusing ipywidget composite UI in solara
Issue with Event Handling in Solara Integration with Auth0 on Inactivity
anaconda prompt launching py files error
Common object across pages
Initializing function.
installation problem, outdated version solara-ui
Server route
ipyaggrid memory leak
Extract the value from an ipywidget
Quarto Solara compatibility
PermissionError for nbextensions on startup with v1.29+
Image Select
Remove the "Powered by Solara" Tag for production deployment?
Google Analytics?
Help with running solara
Citing solara
Embedding Solara / iframe / parameter
Full Screen Output
Setting height of `ipyaggrid` in Solara app gives error
Streaming partial extraction
OAuth example fails
Switching Tabs resets a state when lazy loading is set to True
Running a file vs running a module
Multiple different solara apps under Fastapi endpoints?
Using existing plotly widget to update figures
Multipage tab color
Is there a way to filter the options in a select element
Trying to understand state management
Can't cancel running @task?
Possible to use custom vue components in `component_vue`?
Plotly FigureWidget axes do not reset ranges within solara's render context
Interactive layout
Using vue libraries with ipyvuetify & solara
Interact with `Layout` defined in another file
use_thread eats logs?
Current theme?
Primary colour used by Solara
Unable to trigger re-render after updating reactive state
cross-filtering ipyaggrid element in Solara
ipymolstar (anywidget) in solar app
Ipyreactplayer not working in Solara - New Try
Conditional Hook issues
Quickstart server not rendering any components
Subscribing to reactive variable changes
How to edit/remove loading page effect?
Help: Auth Redirect to a new page
Help: Drawing a rectangle on an ipyleaflet map
Using use_effect
Need help with ipyleaflet
Embedding 3rd party UI Library
Altair expand width to available horizontal space
Ipyleaflet Numbered Markers
Is there a way to embed an IPython console into a solara app?
How to embed swagger API documentation into a solara page?
What is ipyleaflet.Map.element() ?
Is there a way to create a slideshow of images that respond to left and right arrows?
OpenStreetMap compass?
Setting favicon in browser?
AWS Cognito Auth?
solara ssg issue
Communicate with app from a different file
production flag throws error
Local cache?
Solara very slow as subapp of FAstAPI, after deployed to Docker container
Keep zoom state of plotly figure when re-render is triggered.
Passing data through iframe?
Solara for data manipulation application?
ssg static assets
Remove controls from plotly figure
Resizing a plotly plot based on available screen size
InputDate not working
Module loading error after changes
Having some issues with children in routing
air-gapped installation issue
How would one go to create a fully "responsive" application?
Is there any way to download solara ui into PDF
How does solara determine when to rerender a widget?
Default Modal Approach
Component callback behavior
Secrets file
Plots not rendering
download ui content in pdf
Banner in the footer
Solara Sidebar
Upgrading to Jupyterlab 4.
Indexing post