Solara4mo ago

Localization of datetime

Hi there! I am trying to figure out how to localize a datetime object in my Solara application. I want to show a banner like:
solara.Success(f"Saved at {some_datetime}.")
solara.Success(f"Saved at {some_datetime}.")
Where some_datetime would be a datetime.datetime object that I would retrieve from a database. The datetime value would be saved in UTC, but I'd like to format it (and shift the timezone) to the user's locale. I know I can get the user's language preference from solara.lab.headers.value["accept-language"] but this doesn't give me the timezone info. I think this should be possible with JavaScript (with something like toLocaleDateString()), but I don't know how to run JavaScript in Solara. (I was poking around with solara.HTML, but coudn't quite figure it out and don't know how to insert that into the solara.Success message.) Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
3 Replies
BrianOP4mo ago
I also thought about specifying the tag for my solara.Success component -- hoping that I might be able to write a script to find that element and then modify the content -- but it doesn't seem like the tag gets applied to any of the HTML elements related to the component. Like:
f"Saved at {some_datetime}",
f"Saved at {some_datetime}",
iisakkirotko4mo ago
Hey! Do you need to provide the time from the server, or is the client time sufficient? If you need the time from the server, it might be slightly more complicated, but probably still manageable. I'd take a look at making your own component using solara.v.Snackbar. There aren't docs on how to use it (since it doesn't have a Solara component yet), but you can find an example in the docs website code: https://github.com/widgetti/solara/blob/8ad06aa85fafcce6f165b48f56776ca5776528dd/solara/website/components/contact.py#L126-L134 I'd take a look at adding the server time as an argument, and making use of .isoformat() of the python datetime object. You should be able to add timezone info to the time, and then parse it again in Javascript using new Date(pythonDate).
how to run JavaScript in Solara
The way to do this is by using solara.ComponentVue, see the docs here and an example of it here.
solara/solara/website/components/contact.py at 8ad06aa85fafcce6f165...
A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps - widgetti/solara
BrianOP4mo ago
Hey @iisakkirotko thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it a bit later! The date/time I have will be in UTC and it could be any date/time -- say the user saved some record two days ago -- and I want to display that date/time to the user in their timezone and locale. So it's not the current server time nor the current client's time. If I can get the client's timezone (the current time would be fine for that) somehow, then I would know how much to shift the date/time. And then I could get the locale from the headers.

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