ipyaggrid styling
Hi everyone, I have tried to override Balham dark theme specifically for ipyaggrid component I’m using. For example highlight a row, say, green, if a column value == to a specific value. Also more general styling overrides. I have tried using a css string variable and setting this to style param when implementing the grid. But not much luck at all. Thank you!
5 Replies
PyCafe - Solara - Solara-based AG Grid Viewer
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Thank you! Though I can’t figure out how to style a whole row based on a column value. And what you put above seems fragile; when clicking a component on the page I get and error on click. When refresh page resolves
Thank you very much again
To be clear I mean in data[“Column Name”] == “Value ? Green : leave as is, etc.
Some thing like this?: (I can't reproduce the errors when clicking on a component)
PyCafe - Solara - AG Grid Viewer with row color
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Ha wow your solution better than mine 🚀
Thank you again!
Have you used Pandasai with solara?