Current best practices for deploying a solara app for testing on an ubuntu server(or other)?
What are the current best practices for deploying a solara app for testing?
7 Replies
Hi @fnc00! Could you elaborate a little on what you mean with deploying for testing? Are you just looking for the most convenient way to deploy, or using Solara in a CI pipeline?
Well, I think some of both. I need to deploy to a server and serve it through the internet. I meant testing in the sense that is not a production server.
Solara | Ploomber Docs
Deploy a Solara app on Ploomber in seconds with this guide.
Yes, but I need to do it on my own ubuntu server
@fnc00 I think
solara run ...
is all you need, or are you referring to something else?Just wanted to know If I should keep in mind some configurations or recommended OS version
Recomended base images etc
We don't have a recommended base image, but all documentation regarding deploying can be found at:
Deploying and hosting your own Solara app
Solara is compatible with many different hosting solutions, such as Flask, Starlette, FastAPI, and Voila.