
I am struggling a bit to make more complex layout figures with crossfilter enabled. In the app example below the two figures should look the same, but some of the layout properties are not properly passed by the solara_px wrap. Mainly the marker_line_width is ignore on render for some reason. Any tips on how to fix this?
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2 Replies
MaartenBreddels6mo ago
Hi @Eduardo Balbinot we can only track arguments passed to px.choropleth, not any changes made to the figure. CrossFilteredFigurePlotly was meant as an internal component, but if you want to use it, that is the constraint. Does that help you?
Eduardo Balbinot
Eduardo BalbinotOP6mo ago
It seems that most updated arguments (e.g. fig.update_geos, fig.update_layout) are being passed along, but not update_traces. Many of these updates cannot be directly passed to px.choropleth. I'm not sure what is special about update_traces that prevents it from being passed along

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