Pyodide locally
Hi , really love the pycafe project. I was wondering if there was a possibility to compile a Solara app with Pyodide locally (without using pycafe). Is it possible?
4 Replies
Hi, thanks!
Can I start by asking why you want to do that? We're interested why pycafe doesn't suit your needs, since in our opinion, having a build step and then hosting it yourself is a hassle that pycafe saves for you.
Hi @MaartenBreddels , thanks for the reply.
I was wondering because a while ago I thought I saw Pyodide mentioned in the documentation (but I could be wrong).
I currently have a web app written in react, and I use Solara to download and display different graphs. The solara app is embedded in the react app with an iframe.
I honestly wanted to do some testing over the weekend to see if:
- Pyodide initializes the environment every time I load the page, or if it can be cached
- If it was possible to get the app built by Pyodide to communicate with the React app.
might make sense?
I was also excited to see Solara support running entirely in the frontend with pyodide at PyCafe. But this is a different/incompatible approach to PyScript? I naively tried running Solara app example in PyScript but I see that gives errors...
Py.Cafe is built on top of pyodide, but it takes quite a few extra steps to make sure that python UI frameworks work. Solara (like most python UI frameworks) doesn't work on Pyodide out of the box.