anaconda prompt launching py files error
I've complete my first solara page in jupyter notebook , and I pasted the code to a py files ,run this with solara run and the error happened. What I should do to review a fullscreen page? notebook only a little box for the page.
9 Replies
Hey @izumi.qu!
Does this still happen if you remove the
package / latex_envs
If the issue persists, could you also let us know what versions of Solara and notebook you're runninghow can I do this O.O I create enviroment from anaconda, and a default envi only with solara and pandas still get that error.
here is my pip list and I didn't found any of them:
What do you find if you run
jupyter --paths
I did a little bit log from surpported libs and here is what happened before error.
Actuallly speeking I completely don't know what happend... why it is checking everything in nbextensions here?
C:\Users\A\AppData\Roaming\jupyter\nbextensions\latex_envs\thmsInNb4.js rb -1 None None None
C:\Users\A\AppData\Roaming\jupyter\nbextensions\latex_envs\doc.ipynb_checkpoints rb -1 None None None
[31mERROR[0m: Exception in ASGI application
btw due to the properbility of my working enviroment... may be I can check it on production deployment? I an a newbee with zero knowledge about is there some tutorial vedio?
Deploying and hosting your own Solara app
Solara is compatible with many different hosting solutions, such as Flask, Starlette, FastAPI, and Voila.
I delete the folder C:\Users\A\AppData\Roaming\jupyter\nbextensions and run with not error in server ,but page is choked in loading with following errorinfo by F12:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Error: Script error for "jupyter-vue", needed by: jupyter-vuetify
at makeError (require.js:168:17)
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (require.js:1738:36)
If you deleted the
folder, I suppose this is because the extensions provided by ipyvue
is missing now. Does uninstalling ipyvue
and reinstalling it work?applying a lot of module update, and fix some issue base on github manually, finally get everything ready... what a nightmare goes away=w=
Great to hear that everything works now. Let's hope it stays that way!