Nested Vue Component import for Web
Hi all,
I'm new to Solara and is planning on using Vue for interactive components for web development that include drag and drop (e.g., kanban boards).
I have some experience with Vue, but I can't figure out how imports work with a Vue component.
Normally I would use
import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent.vue"
, but that does not appear to work in the below example.
5 Replies
Hi @Delkrak, this should work:
PyCafe - Solara - Solara vue sub component
Create & Share Streamlit, Dash and Python Apps Online.
You'll need to use
to register the component. Also, we need to use modules.export =
in stead of export default
in the templates. Note: <style scoped>
is not supported, it will do the same as just <style>
It's also possible to compose in Solara, wil make an example for that ...Example of doing the composing in Solara:
PyCafe - Solara - Solara compose vue
Create & Share Streamlit, Dash and Python Apps Online.
Thanks! This is very helpful.
Referencing ipyvue allowed me to find this example: 🙂
Based on this i should be able to load a vue component like so instead on in
ipyvue/examples/hot-reload/ at master · widgetti/ipyvue
Jupyter widgets base for Vue libraries. Contribute to widgetti/ipyvue development by creating an account on GitHub.
Yes, in the notebook that works, but with solara-server because of the shared process (virtual kernel), we have to do that once per browser page using the trick mario showed in
PyCafe - Solara - Solara vue sub component
Create & Share Streamlit, Dash and Python Apps Online.