Hiding appbar

Hi everyone, Im trying to hide the appbar (the navigation between pages) when users are not logged in. Seemed easy enough but apparently not. Maybe im going about this all wrong. Any help or tips much appreciated. Ive sent my main.py. Let me know if more context is needed.
3 Replies
iisakkirotko2mo ago
Hey @marvinhalabi! The AppBar is provided by AppLayout, which is the default Layout component, I think you should be able to override it by defining your own Layout. In your custom Layout you can then return an AppLayout when the user is authenticated, and otherwise something different.
iisakkirotko2mo ago
The layout docs might have some slightly related examples.
Making different layouts in Solara
Solara comes with a layout system ideal for data apps. Learn how to use them in this short guide.
marvinhalabiOP5w ago
Yes thank you for your reply, Ive found out its a known issue and looks to be fixed. Still very annoying! I cant seem to conditionally render the appbar, just wondering how people in production be doing it. Feel like im missing something

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