Quarto Solara compatibility
I'm writing a tutorial to build LLM chat apps with Solara: https://alonsosilvaallende.github.io/blog/posts/2024-04-11-Build_a_basic_LLM_chat_app_with_Solara.html
In my blog, I use Quarto, however there is some compatibility which might be simple or difficult to solve (I don't know).
I expect the cells output of jupyter notebooks to appear directly in Quarto (see for example the first two cells in this blog entry): https://alonsosilvaallende.github.io/blog/posts/2024-04-18-Quarto-Solara-Test.html
However, the cells of Solara components don't appear directly in Quarto (see for example the third cell):
I thought it might have to do with the widget state and perhaps there is something there because when I save the widget state there appears a lot of text in Quarto:
Do you know if there is a way to display a simple Solara component output as an image or something similar in Quarto?
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