State updates don't trigger page rerender in some cases
I have a @solara.component that immediately sets a reactive state to True. When this happens, the page fails to rerender:
Is this expected behavior?
4 Replies
Possibly related:
<:issue_open:882464248951877682> [widgetti/solara] No page re-render despite change in reactive value
On initial load, the page is not re-rendered even though the value of a reactive variable changes. In the example below, when the page is initially loaded, the value of
, as displayed in the Text
component is None
, even though in both the InputText
and via clicking on the button, we find that the value has actually changed to become '!!!'
, see screenshot.
(Sorry to say there's no solution yet... we suspect fixing might require quite some effort)
👍 Thanks for the reply. In the meantime, is there a heuristic to anticipate when this happens, or any workaround?