OAuth example fails
https://solara.dev/documentation/examples/general/login_oauth clicking the button results in an error page with
Callback URL mismatch
.4 Replies
Hi Jonathan,
thanks for reporting.
This was a real head scratcher!
We recently moved our infrastructure (also the cause for some of the outage), and due to missing/changed configuration, the redirect was to http:// instead of https:// which was not allowed by auth0.
I'll follow up with some documentation changes so other people don't also run into this.
For the impatient:
nginx needs:
uvicorn needs:
@MaartenBreddels while we're on auth, the comments here switch ID and secret I think 🙂
Good catch, that is now fixed (should be deployed soon).
For followup, the original issue led to this PR: https://github.com/widgetti/solara/pull/597
<:pull_open:882464248721182842> [widgetti/solara] docs: explain configuration needed for oauth behind a (nginx) proxy
I had to restructure the nginx configuration example a bit to make it less confusing.