Satisfactory Modding


Satisfactory Modding

Modding community for Satisfactory, the factory building and exploration game by Coffee Stain.





Input Action events

How can I use a vanilla input action event? I want to use this so I can do something every time a building is sampled but just adding it to the Game World event graph doesn't seem to work.
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Help with FOV scaling for custom model

I am working on importing a custom model into the game and I can't find a shader available in the games assets to reference that supports the FOV scaling and also supports panini maps. I need to be able to mask and thus localize the FOV scaling effect to the hands...
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Issues with AccessTransformer.ini. Cannot access protected member declared in class

Hey guys, I want to build my first mod in satisfactory. I have created some mods in other games and work as a software engineer. Just for you to assess my skills. I followed the modding tutorial on First of: The documentation is fantastic. I have learned a lot from this well-structured tutorial. Well done! However, I faced some issues on the c++ modding part. My goal is to hook on some function. For that, I used the source code from InfiniteZoop from @SirDigby {Mod Name} (Thank you!). ...

Can't build FactoryGame in VS

I'm new to satisfactory modding and after following through with the instructions and troubleshooting I'm still unable to get past the build step. It fails about 3 seconds in with a huge list of errors related to an inability to find any packages....

Shapez Code Ideas

Hello, I'm throwing together a simple mod that is similar to shapez. I had the idea that it might be cool to stamp shapes out of larger shapes. To accomplish this instead of holding 4 base shapes, I'm using one that is split into four parts. This means I'll have 16 base shapes. I've attached a picture of what those 16 look like. Those 16, can then form layers of four... I've attached a few examples of that too. I like the idea that I could punch a Dimond out of a square for example. This inevitably leads to much more complexity compared with the original shapez basic shapes....
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Changing language causes widget to disappear

Ok, here's a weird one. I've just added French to Infinite Nudge and when I switch to it the extra keybind hint bar I create doesn't show. It still works on English, though, and I verified the localization works elsewhere in the mod
Turns out they fixed the keybind hint widget so it doesn't go offscreen, so I don't need to add an extra line myself. And just adding hints to the vanilla widget works in both languages
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Mod doesn't load after adding localization

I tried adding some localization to Infinite Nudge, just a few test strings, and now I'm getting the "Module cannot be loaded" error. The localization stuff was all I did. Am I missing something?
Ok, this post was a false alarm
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Trains not triggering overlaps

I'm not sure when this changed, but trains are not triggering overlaps anymore in any channel. Has anybody else run into this problem? is there a solution?

Is it possible to override the properties of buildings, or can you only make new buildings?

if I want to make a mod to change the types of fuels that drones can use, do I have to make like a "Drone Port 2.0" that allows that (making a whole new building type) or is there a way to override that property of the stock drone port?

What do y'all think about this Conveyor Item Mesh Material

I am looking to color Conveyor Items using Vertex Coloring and threw this Material together to complete that task. I think this is less expensive then FactroyBaked, expecially because I am looking to re-color items. I do not have a lot of knowledge in this area tho, and would appreciate feedback.
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M Power info is not blueprint visible

I would like to use the original Power info, which I don't know how to delete, but it refuses For now I add another FGpower info to which I have access, but it is a duplicate How to use the basic one?...
[AccessTransformers] BlueprintReadWrite=(Class="/Script/FactoryGame.FGBuildableFactory", Property="mPowerInfo")...
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Anyone know when ItemDesc Blueprints are loaded?

I am trying to dynamically create items using a set of base mesh's. In theory, I could create a new mesh, a new mesh descriptor... append a bunch of mesh descriptors to the new mesh descriptor. Then build the new mesh with the new descriptor. Subsequently I could in theory assign this to the conveyor mesh object of an itemdesc. I think I can do this to an instance of an itemdesc, so every item could in theory share that itemdesc. But I am floating the idea that for every unique item I should also have a unique ItemDesc. I think I can make them, but idk if I can register them....

Starter Project Error

Good morning! I am getting into this and have really appreciated the guide you all have built. It was pretty smooth sailing until I tried to build the starter project. I will attach the output screen below. Thank you for any advice!
I think I found a fix: It won't let me paste the hyperlink, but the section on a workaround fixed the problem for me. Hope it helps someone who sees similar....

Error Opening Project

Whenever I try to open FactoryGame.uproject it says "Plugin 'Wwise' failed to load because module 'Wwise' could not be loaded. There may be an operating system error or the module may not be properly set up" how do I fix this?

Error Compiling Project

Hello! When trying to compile the project, I get an error. It's a freshly cloned project from the master branch. Any ideas? Thanks!
Yep, I apologize I forgot to update. I removed the engine and project and that fixed it.

How to place a cube without hanging on the sides of the foundations?

I want to put a cube on the foundations with all horizontal zoops and all vertical zoop To do this I use the FGBuildable Foundation Lightweight and I modified its Halo so that it works in all 6 directions The problem is that it snaps to the sides of the foundations too There are also Ramps and Roof but they are based on Holo_Foundation too - What are the parameters to modify to prevent snapping to the sides of the foundations?...

C++ Pass by reference

I am very familiar with C and Firmware development. I've dabbled in C++ but for higher level programming at a professional level I use Python and GoLang the most. Could someone take a second to explain how pass by reference works in this specific case? ```c++ bool GetStackFromIndex( const int32 idx, FInventoryStack& out_stack ) const;...

How do I display the inventory in the Widget_Window_DarkMode?

I'm creating a new machine that will only have a single recipe. I want to show the player inventory in the UI for the machine but I can't get it to show. I think that I'm supposed to use the Widget_PlayerInventoryAddon in the inventory slot, but the inventory doesn't show up in the game and I can't figure out what to do to make it show up.

Referencing assets in other mods

Hi, how can create a mod that references assets from other mods? Is it possible to do this without access to the original mod source? Specifically I would like to create a compatibility mod for my fluid mod that includes recipes where the output or ingredient would be a fluid from another mod like Ficsit Farming or Refined Power. I can determine the asset paths using FModel, even their properties, and I assume I should be able to create placeholders like in the starter project, but I do not know how. A nice bonus would be if I could do this without creating a separate mod and conditionally register the recipes/schematics if the mods are present....
There's no secret steps. You have the answers. Use FModel to find the name and path of an asset, then make a version just like the starter project and point to that. That will correctly reference content from another mod. The problems start with making it work when other people can't haven't or won't install the other mod.

Difference between UFGRecipe* and TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe > as implemented by BuildableManufact

Anyone know why the BuildableManufacturer class holds both
/** Cached Recipe CDO to reduce calls.*/
const UFGRecipe* mCachedRecipe;
/** Cached Recipe CDO to reduce calls.*/
const UFGRecipe* mCachedRecipe;
/** The recipe we're currently running. */
UPROPERTY( SaveGame, Replicated, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_CurrentRecipe, Meta = (NoAutoJson = true) )
TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe > mCurrentRecipe;
/** The recipe we're currently running. */
UPROPERTY( SaveGame, Replicated, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_CurrentRecipe, Meta = (NoAutoJson = true) )
TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe > mCurrentRecipe;
My understanding is that the first, "UFGRecipe*" would allow any pointer to any UFGRecipe object, but "TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe >", also allows pointers of children of UFGRecipe to be assigned to it. Functionally, I believe they are very similar... perhaps the advantage of TSubclassOf as implemented here is simply to avoid casting? Maybe the reason both exist, is because classes that inherit UFGRecipe can be held in mCurrentRecipe, and instead of casting those as UFGRecipe where UFGRecipe is required, we cached the cast? Idk... I am way out on a limb on this...