Input Action events

Help with FOV scaling for custom model

Issues with AccessTransformer.ini. Cannot access protected member declared in class
Can't build FactoryGame in VS
Shapez Code Ideas

Changing language causes widget to disappear

Mod doesn't load after adding localization

Trains not triggering overlaps
Is it possible to override the properties of buildings, or can you only make new buildings?
What do y'all think about this Conveyor Item Mesh Material

M Power info is not blueprint visible

Anyone know when ItemDesc Blueprints are loaded?
Starter Project Error
Error Opening Project
Error Compiling Project
How to place a cube without hanging on the sides of the foundations?
C++ Pass by reference
How do I display the inventory in the Widget_Window_DarkMode?
Referencing assets in other mods
Difference between UFGRecipe* and TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe > as implemented by BuildableManufact
/** Cached Recipe CDO to reduce calls.*/
const UFGRecipe* mCachedRecipe;
/** Cached Recipe CDO to reduce calls.*/
const UFGRecipe* mCachedRecipe;
/** The recipe we're currently running. */
UPROPERTY( SaveGame, Replicated, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_CurrentRecipe, Meta = (NoAutoJson = true) )
TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe > mCurrentRecipe;
/** The recipe we're currently running. */
UPROPERTY( SaveGame, Replicated, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_CurrentRecipe, Meta = (NoAutoJson = true) )
TSubclassOf< class UFGRecipe > mCurrentRecipe;