my eyes are dry
my eyes are dry
Created by Jake on 10/27/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Can we discuss the value proposition of Luxire and alternatives?
Yeossal/Collaro in the past... perhaps another one but might've been a one off. those 2 the most
44 replies
Created by Jake on 10/27/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Can we discuss the value proposition of Luxire and alternatives?
I've ordered multiple times from Singapore based companies, and I only ever get charged HST (Ontario). So I haven't bought anything form Luxire in a while
44 replies
Created by Jake on 10/27/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Can we discuss the value proposition of Luxire and alternatives?
It seems like you've ordered from Luxire in the past -- is this also including the duties that products shipped from India will get hit with?
Re: Luxire vs. S&M, for me yes as I prefer my front rise to be around 13.5" on a ~33" waist which would require a lot of finangling outside of the companies like Luxire/Collaro and the like
44 replies
Created by Digs on 7/24/2024 in #questions-and-advice
grant stone loafer sizing
@Tarrusin the instep area will definitely break in, and in general, suede is more forgiving than calf. I experience the opposite desire where the instep area will loosen up and my foot starts moving around lol
34 replies
Created by Digs on 7/24/2024 in #questions-and-advice
grant stone loafer sizing
the usual method of having a leather tongue pad. i cut my own since leatherworking is a hobby
34 replies
Created by Digs on 7/24/2024 in #questions-and-advice
grant stone loafer sizing
love the loafer last shape tbh. i have a black tassel and the half size down works. i have an instep on the lower side so i had to fill in that space (and it's still a bit loose, so maybe it's a bit generous on the instep)
34 replies
Created by GrumpyRobot on 7/19/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Besides the jacket sleeves being too long, looking for thoughts on the rest of this outfit.
+1 on too short. as it stands, the jacket is emphasizing the hips, making your shoulders appear narrower than they probably are
9 replies
Created by sir._.lancelot23 on 5/18/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Black penny loafer recommendations for everyday office wear?
I have a pair of Skolyx loafers in their dark brown suede. Great value IMO. Last is a Euro shape to me, but if you were considering Morjas then don't think that'd be any issue
3 replies
Created by Demo on 3/17/2024 in #questions-and-advice
outfit advice
my first thought is a question: what are you trying to change your image to? without knowing that, i could only give comments based on my tastes in styling, not how well you've executed your goal
30 replies
Created by SmittyW on 3/12/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Will the fading on the cuff edge look strange if I have the sleeve lengthened?
"strange" as in clearly different from your typical wool jacket if anyone is close enough to notice? yes. "strange" to the nerds here? no, rather, it's part of the charm and likely appreciated by many (myself definitely included)
3 replies
Created by algoresky on 3/10/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Sanity Check on Jacket Sizing
love the triple patch. i'd say it definitely "fits" and beyond that we're just talking about taste
6 replies
Created by leroideskiki on 2/27/2024 in #questions-and-advice
OCBD in Europe ?
What's your budget? The first non used option coming to mind is natalino
34 replies
Created by ultra on 2/25/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Tie Stylizing
not any particular brand -- pretty much everyone should have their own interpretation of charcoal/dark grey flannel i'd think. everything else is a matter of taste i.e. pleats, cuffs, width, waistband. if you're in NYC and want to check things out in person, jpress is a solid option for sure. you may want to see if you can get any inspiration from no man walks alone? potentially drakes as well
146 replies
Created by ultra on 2/25/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Tie Stylizing
a bit tough to think of because of how whimsical it is (so i couldn't just, like, repeat classic menswear rules to you), and without knowing the contexts you're going to wear it to. like, to the office or to a night out with your friends who are also fans of the franchise? if it's the latter, you can go as silly as you want. i could see some japanese guy's daily outfit ig account wearing this with say, some charcoal flannel trousers and a denim jacket and i would think "i definitely wouldn't wear that, but i do like it"
146 replies
Created by Aadit Nagori on 2/19/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Was hoping to get some questions answered
1. Once I pick an item (shoes, suit, sportcoat, tie, etc) that I want to wear that day, everything else comes fairly easily. It's the issue of figuring out which item(s) I want to wear that day (because i like them all, lol) 2. It was an office day and I couldn't decide on which one of my like, 5, sportcoats i haven't worn recently 3. a self reflection that this is such a inconsequential "problem" to have (maybe with a bit of impatience depending on how late i am) 4. i solve this issue every day i put on outside-clothes 5. i think my problem is actually too frivolous to realistically answer this one 6. they're the exact same, unless a dress code was specified, in which case i have to think a bit more. i like clothes 7. decide on my first item faster 8. the first noun that comes to mind: mark cho, lol. to the second part, yes definitely 9. it's not something I actively considering, because i think my personality and taste already dictate my choice of purchasing items. i think i may not be quite understanding what you're trying to get at here. the outfit itself is a reflection of any "flair" or "style" i have, rather than one particular item or something like that. the closest thing maybe, is i enjoy silly things like's shaggy dog logo, or Brooks Bros. Henry the lamb mascot, or the polo bear mascot, so i may have more-than-average accessories with these types of things
3 replies
Created by Jaded on 2/19/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Need help deciding on new pair of shoes
hard for me to have an opinion for you without some set of criteria/an overview of your taste/current preferences. for example, if this was me, i would have to pick up the derbies as i like to wear a lot of pleated, creased trousers, etc. all of your 4 options are well designed so it's really up to what direction you're trying to go imo
6 replies
Created by ghostdog on 2/18/2024 in #questions-and-advice
All-year wool trousers
have you looked into Luxire? (sorry not in EU so no idea if this fits into your price range)
9 replies
Created by Zal ;( on 2/18/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Pants for guys with a long torse and (comparatively) short legs; or high front rise???
budget? i have a pair of denim from Bronson that are moderately high rise. their non denim pants are even higher (like a 13" ish it feels like). but agreed that your proportions seem normal unless you have a whole bolt of fabric pooling at your ankles. For comparison, i'm 5'10" barefoot and my tailored trousers that just graze the top of my shoes are a 27.5" inseam.
11 replies
Created by LeisurelyLoafing on 8/6/2023 in #brands
does anyone own the games trousers? does the listed rise on the website(s) include the waistband? The modelled photos do not make the rise look as low as it's listed?
572 replies
Created by lordofthethighs. on 9/17/2023 in #brands
Grant stone
can corroborate the other reply. the last on the brass boot is also great for toe space.
13 replies