Besides the jacket sleeves being too long, looking for thoughts on the rest of this outfit.
Attending a wedding in the early summer and looking for thoughts on this. Shooting for more business casual then formal. I know I need the jacket sleeves shortened, but was looking for thoughts on the rest.

4 Replies
It usually helps folks tell how the suit fits if you can take a photo that lets us see what’s in that drawing ^
If you’re able to just prop a phone up waist-high or so and set it on a timer that usually is the best way
Also worth noting off rip that you should only button the top button of 2-button jackets
Hopefully this is better

looks a little tight and a little short in the body imo
i would get another jacket one size up if possible; would help the jacket fit and length and then from there get the sleeve shortened as needed
+1 on too short. as it stands, the jacket is emphasizing the hips, making your shoulders appear narrower than they probably are