Need help deciding on new pair of shoes
The shoes I have now in regular rotation are the first four pictures for reference, from the Docs to the New Balances.
The latter four are the options I'm considering. I'm leaning less towards Reebok Vintage Club C's because they're too similar, but they're off white and would work better with some similar colored clothing in my wardrobe. Heavily leaning towards either of the Docs, but my all white Reeboks have been beat up quite a bit so a new pair of clean white sneakers like the AF1's wouldn't be a bad idea, I think.

4 Replies
I would go 1461s over the loafers and club C's over the af1s
Personally out of the 4 I'd go 1461s
Thanks for the input!
hard for me to have an opinion for you without some set of criteria/an overview of your taste/current preferences. for example, if this was me, i would have to pick up the derbies as i like to wear a lot of pleated, creased trousers, etc. all of your 4 options are well designed so it's really up to what direction you're trying to go imo
I 100% agree with @raisinpie