Satisfactory Modding


Satisfactory Modding

Modding community for Satisfactory, the factory building and exploration game by Coffee Stain.





Unexpected crash after mod deletion

I made a mod for testing the Modding of Satisfactory. After im ready with all i create a new one (the real one 😉 ) and deleted my test mod from the games mod folder. After i loaded my test savegame i got a crash (see image below). I just made Static Meshes. Nothing special. I hope this is helpfull because the docs says that every object from a mod which is not there anymore will be automatically removed from the savegame/world....
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Override dismantle event

I want to add some custom dismantle logic but when I add handling for the dismantle event, the machine is no longer destroyed. I tried to get the parent Buildable Actor and call Dismantle on that, but that didn't help. How do I make sure that default logic is executed even if I override the event handling?
Right click the red node, and look for an option that says "add call to parent function"
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Change resource node behavior (or miner?)

How could one change the output mined in a node? My idea is to make a miner in a iron node, for example, ocasionally output limestone in the middle of the iron ores.

Instant replication

I guessing that almost ALL important replicable objects / actors in game replicating while client is loading to server. But my own objects are not replicates while loading, only after and not too fast (also I need to move character / camera for faster replication). I using these params for replication, but this is doesn't help: ```cpp bReplicates = true; bAlwaysRelevant = true;...

New Building with ContentLib

Trying to learn how to mod with ContentLib. New item and new recipe work as a charm. New building, nope. I dont know what I'm doing wrong. As the documentation states the only difference is I should use "BP_BuildGun" I tried to exacly copy and paste the item example, just changing this bit (and the product amount to 1), still no go....
contentlib can't define new buildings, there are too many other assets required to make that happen. are you talking about adding a recipe for an existing building?

Adding grass to Custom Levels

How would one go about adding grass to a custom level? I haven't done any research yet, but I feel grass spawning might have something to do with AFGCliffActor and the fact that mesh CPU access is enabled for meshes used for landscaping (e.g. CliffCone_01).
it does not. just paint grass on your landscape and that's it

Material for generated icon doesn't show

Coming back to this after the weekend, when using Beaver's icons generator, whether in batch mode or in raw scene mode, it doesn't show the material. I initially thought it was because Unreal isn't aware of the textures but after changing the placeholders with the real ones, it still doesn't show up
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Space elevator parts MOD

Hi all, i need some help with creating a mod. What i am trying to do is to change the space elevator amount needed for a phase (like the existing, broken mod). I think CDO ( is the way forward, but when using it the amounts does not get updated: This function (in the image) will get called via chat option (the chat command works already)....
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packagestore.manifest missing/not generating

Installed everything from scratch, thrown my old plugins into the plugins folder, changed what was needed to change and tried building I don't want to reinstall everything like someone with ExitCode=1 (looked it up before posting) The whole error stems from "packagestore.manifest" not being where it was supposed to be (Log in attachment)...
Found the problem: UPDATE THE DAMN DEPENDENCIES And now it's fixed... Will flag as solved and let it sit, maybe someone will have same problem...

How can I save the Static Mesh transform of an FGBuildable?

I change the locations and rotations of a buildable via a widget How to save these values?...

BP_VolumeGas not properly removing all gas pillars

I am trying to improve ExampleLevel by making the gas pillars have visible gas clouds. I've implemented the editor-only functions in AFGGasPillarCloud that set up the links between gas pillars and gas cloud, and I can see the clouds getting spawned at all 5 pillar locations. However, only 2 out of 5 pillars have their gas clouds removed when destroying them. How can I figure out what is going on? (attachments in follow-up because :CertifiedDiscordMoment:)
Works! So the key is that the effect height offset needs to be accounted for in my reimplementation of editor-only functionality. It's just a matter of changing one line. Attached the entire file just in case.
- mProximityPillarWorldLocations.Add(Pillar->GetActorLocation());
+ mProximityPillarWorldLocations.Add(Pillar->GetActorLocation() + FVector(0, 0, Pillar->GetEffectHeightOffset()));
- mProximityPillarWorldLocations.Add(Pillar->GetActorLocation());
+ mProximityPillarWorldLocations.Add(Pillar->GetActorLocation() + FVector(0, 0, Pillar->GetEffectHeightOffset()));

Help with adding custom fuel item to drone port

Hi I have a new fuel item for the drone port but unable tp get it added to the accepted fuel list where ever it is, I have tried using burnable Fabric as ref but still not managed to get my new fuel item added to the accept list of the drone port. (Just broke it more lol) The item was accepted into the drone port in update 8 but now is not accepted in the drone port but its still being accepted in the truck station which is making no sense to me why it would do that. If anyone has time to explain how to do this step by step or point to documentation with how its done will be greatly appreciated...

Ocean Material

Does anyone know what material is used for the new 1.0 oceans? I made a buildable with a child actor of class BP_Water, and assigned the MM_Ocean material from the prototype folder where the new lake material is, but it doesn't appear to be the same. It looks like this compared to the ocean water in-game:
You'll need to tweak the properties of each instance of BP_Water that you spawn. They have different material instances depending on which type of water you want to use, and several floats and linear colors to configure the materials.
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Fixing Train behavior ?

Good evening, and sorry for my bad english, i try my best 😉 I hope this is the correct place to ask this, if not, i am realy sorry for this. I've been wanting to fix a small issue for a long time, and I've finally decided to take the plunge. I read a lot of things, but there are still a few questions I can't find the answers to. I'd like to solve a problem that a lot of people are talking about regarding train behavior: "why are they not looking for an alternative path if the first path have a red light signal"....
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Map textures for custom levels

As the title says, how would one generate map textures for a custom level, in the style of base game's textures? (see screenshot) In addition, how would one use said textures without having to reimplement map fog? Material_UI_MapFog has non-parameter references to the four sliced map textures, but we do not have the actual implementation of the material in the starter project.
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How to determine which side of a buildable a line trace hit

I know I can do hitResult.ImpactNormal.Z to determine if I hit the top of a buildable, but doing hitResult.ImpactNormal.Y will give different results based on how the buildable is rotated. Is there any way I can determine "This hit the left side"?
I do it like this, if you want to do the switch on enum thing use EFoundationSide

How to filter items from BP_Config_Property_Class?

Hey all! Using the ModConfiguration class, I created the Section Properties using the BP Config Property Class, it's limiting by the Base Class FGEquipmentDescriptor. The issue is that I couldn't find any way to filter out even more items from that list....
For future references, basically how to achieve this: Create your own Widget Class extending Widget_CP_Base (you can copy the whole Widget_CP_Class) - Here you will edit how the widget get the data and display it in the dropdown box (In my case I prepared the data in my game instance so I could re-use to validate the user input). ...
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How do I get the building descriptor of a building that's not unlocked yet?

First, I used a Recipe Manager to get all recipes. I grouped them by "Get Produced In" which gives me a set of ~8 buildables (FGBuildable Class Reference). I then used the Recipe Manager's "Find Building Descriptor by Class", but it only returns Building Descriptors (FGBuildingDescriptor Class Reference) for constructor and assembler because those are the only buildings I can actually build in the game (things like the Manufacturer are not unlocked yet). However, in my mod I would like to show icons of all available machines even if they're not unlocked yet. Do you have any idea how to achieve that?...
Use FindNativeClassesByType of class FGRecipe, it returns all recipes, unlocked or not. Note that there are still a few broken recipes in game (and possibly included with some mods), so you'll want to do IsValid checks on all recipes and descriptors before calling functions on them because they might be null or have have null data in them.
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How to use the Production Indicator ?

In the example, there is no production indicator So I added one, but I can't get it to light up, in any of the 3 states (it is not recognized) So I build based on a FGBuildable Manufacturer, and this Production Indicator works well, but then I can't use the included M Power Info (Set Power Info), and I don't know how to remove it If I add the PowerInfo from the example, I think there is a conflict because when I test it it shows me 'No Power' How do I add this Production Indicator?...
the function is called GetProductionIndicatorStatus

Trying to export 3D models from Unreal to Blender

I want to import the mesh, material, and textures from a 1m foundation ficsit set (or any other foundation and buildable) to modify it for a new foundation I'm making. I've tried to export as FBX but it showed me some other weird shapes and I was unable to apply the material and textures to it. I've looked at some basic blender tutorials but I can't figure this thing out
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