Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Create a style guide after UX Design?

Hello everyone, Do you create a style guide after UX Design? Before UI Design is started? And add: 1. colors...

how to animate those self drawing path following animations?

I actually just want to do a handwriting reveal thing and I want different paths to be followed at different speeds and easing also maybe I dont think this can be done with figmotion(using vector path feature) using that doesnt really have a path following animation it gives a very weird result I cant run after effects in my potato pc so that's not an option...

Background image + linear gradient combined not working on phone (safari)

I have a banner on my site which has a linear gradient background on it, it works well on desktop, but if I open it on my phone I can't see the background image, only the linear gradient background shows up. There is the code ...

Ideas to implementing menus in middle of page

Hi everyone, i have this simple page I want to show about 12 table inside the blank space; and i need a nice way to show it table by table. I have 4 main categories > each have 3 categories inside which will show table. what is the best way to implements this such of thing and how....

Feedback for ''FrontEnd Mentor'' beginner project that I recreated for practice!

Website link: Edit: Might as well drop this project for review : I'm a beginner learning FrontEnd, so far I have only worked on HTML and CSS thanks to Kevin, and only know ultra basic stuff when it comes to JS. ...

Isometric illustrations to explain a service blueprint

What is the fastest and most efficient workflow to create flat isometric assets? Any tips? Particularly for creating everyday objects and interiors

Best way to show this long table

Hi there, i want to hear some ideas to implement this table in the website; it's a very very long table contains almost 25 rows. Is there anything creative i can do with it? think

Icon creation - will pay

Can anyone design that icon for me, will pay.

Looking for feedback for WIP landing page

I'm currently redoing my website, and looking for feedback looking for feedback on the landing section (mostly just the card RN):

[Feedback] Personal Website

I just remade my site, I'd love to have some feedback:

Transition is not smooth when it starts over How can I keep the transition smooth when it starts over again?...

Design Improvements and Feedbacks

Hi! This is my first time making a design for website. I need feedback and advice for improvements. And I want to know if this is good enough to put in my resume or portfolio. Thank you in advance!

Portfolio Feedback

Hi guys, I have 2 versions of my portfolio: the current one I have and the new one I just made. My current one is: and my new one I just made is: My question is, I like the new UI of the one I just made (I've been on a minimalism kick recently) but it definitely conveys less information than the one I currently have. Do you think it's too little info? I think it is... I should probably have some clean and minimalistic way...

Need a little snippet for a narrower screen

I have a plan of a setup like this. But, I need a design for smaller screens where this text might be better folded up. Any ideas? Heck even discard this one if you need to. This is how my page looks like atm...

How can my design be improved?

I feel like the background color for the day-of-the-week selector should be different, but idk
No description

Making a green color theme

I will keep this concise and simple. I'm trying to make a green color theme, but it's horrid, and I can't make to good terms with it. This is my webpage: ...

Where to Find Inspiration

Hey all, Where do you all go immediately when you need inspiration for colorschemes or layouts? I'm currently working on redesigning my portfolio(, and the actual site is live at because I feel like my colorscheme and layout are super basic and not the most responsive. I'm using Hugo and Tailwind CSS (along with CSS Grid) for my site, though it's just a basic header/sidebar+content/footer layout currently, and I feel like I could make it better but I'm not quite sure where to start, because I've found a lot of the stuff on sites like Dribbble feels same-y....

design feedback

What do you think guys?