Figma feedback

Hi guys, asking for some feedback for this landing page I'm making for a friend. Need some ideas for hero section (image, layout, and social proof ideas) and section dividers. Please ignore any inconsistent spacing since that will be fixed in development
Name Customs
Created with Figma
18 Replies
ghostmonkey•2y ago
it's interesting that you reversed the common serif title / san serif text design. But I think I would prefer sans serif lettering for the main body content, as its just so much easier to read. Especially when you have such tight line spacing as this design has also, I would experiment with having the portfolio section be immediately under the hero so people can see the products right away. for the hero, one direction you could try, would be to find a really cool image looking down onto a cut tree, with like concentric ring circles with the text on top or if you wanted something more minimal, finding a good halftone woodgrain pattern, and give a very subtle / low opacity texture that evokes minimalim / nature / woodworking
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vinceOP•2y ago
Thanks guys! I'll post an update later when I get on my computer
vinceOP•2y ago
Reviving this from the dead, need thoughts on this redesign: It's just really, really boring right now... but I don't think I can necessarily help it. What I mean by that is that this website -- I'm doing it for a friend -- he has an etsy shop with 2 products, no testimonials, no content, nothing. So I'm basically working with nothing right now. I couldn't really go with modern woodworking website designs that I saw because they all focus on the product, and he really doesn't have any products except 2, so my thought process was to try to focus more on him and make it almost like a portfolio site. The stock pictures I have now I plan to have of him and his products. Need thoughts on how to take it to the next level, I don't expect (or really want) you guys to redesign it for me -- just some small feedback/advice would be really helpful 🙂 I feel like I have typography, spacing and all that jazz down just having trouble making the site "pop"
Kershaw Customs
Created with Figma
ghostmonkey•2y ago
does he have a logo i think you are right about just sectioning it like a portfolio. Hero / About / Projects / Testimonials seems like more than enough for a page where you are just tryijngt oget people to click through to the etsy add his socials if he has any, and some sort of contact other than etsy
vinceOP•2y ago
He does but it's not very good honestly
ghostmonkey•2y ago
my suggestion, and this goes against common practice, but in cases where the design is fighting me. At this point, you have a basic layout, and I would just build the desktop version and see what i like as i code it up you will make changes along the way, like you might add border radius to the photos or make the images in the project section bigger, or whatever but if you are stuck on the figma side, sometimes, it can help to just switch over to code and see what happens
vinceOP•2y ago
Yea that's a good idea! I'm starting to build the site out now, and I'm definitely expecting some changes along the way
ghostmonkey•2y ago
plus i think adding real content in text and images and you will start to see a design flow that is kind of missing in the barebones lorem verison and you can exploit it
vinceOP•2y ago
Yea it really just feels like a wireframe atm 😂 Thank you very much again ghostmonkey 🙂
ghostmonkey•2y ago
anytime, 🙂
vinceOP•2y ago This is what I have now, I think I like the layout of it but still feels empty. Waiting on him for pictures but I think I can still add more other than real text and pictures (and still need to add a contact section, think I'll put that in another page since if I put it on the landing page there's 2 CTAs). Maybe add some icons for socials and some icons to support the project titles/section titles? I think even with that it would still feel a little flat... but not sure how to really use more texture than I already have
Kershaw Customs
Woodworker and Knifesmith — Kershaw Customs
Discover the artistry of fine woodworking and knife smithing from a passionate South Jersey craftsman. Handcrafted masterpieces available through our Etsy store. Explore unique creations today!
ghostmonkey•2y ago
some things to help fill the emptiness feeling: 1. add the header and a true footer, to bookend the page 2. icons - how about a nice book icon under 'my story' and maybe a sweet knife or wood icon for the services, or if not, just a 'services' icon to go with the title 3. inject color - find a way to add some splashes of color. It seems like red is the accent choice, so maybe a few random red squares in the bg or something like that to bring the color across the whole site maybe experiment with a red shade for your titles too, that could be interesting if you find a pleasing color 4. maybe experiement with 'giant' text for the section titles. I am kind of addicted to that look lately, and oversized lettering is really effective at eye grabbing maybe you could do something similar to that since you have so much text and so few graphics.
ghostmonkey•2y ago
Portfolio for Djo Wea, engaging and accessible UI/UX and front end development
ghostmonkey•2y ago
this is my new portfolio page, you can see what I mean. Maybe some sort of combo like this with giant text + gradient would really look cool on your page oh and one other thing you really need to pump up the name and logo on the actual site. This link says 'kc', but there is no reference to KC on the page anywhere. I assume this is the dude's initials, so splash his name and initials on the page, and the name of his company and make sure anyone who comes to this page at least know's who'se page it is 🙂
vinceOP•2y ago
For sure! Okay I got a chance to sit down and read everything you wrote. Thank you so much! 🙂 I think the footer is a really great idea as well as experimenting with the icons/color/headings, I'll see what I can get working. I really like your titles in your portfolio pages! Super clean
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