The eternal grid UI problem: auto-adjusting to screen width while also honoring saved user settings
Feedback needed fot the layout and overall design
Need help with consistent colours across devices.
Need help with this chevron border effect

Website Background

General tips for web design

Hero Section Comparison Feedback would be nice
Media Ranker Keyboard Navigation

Optimizing HeroSection for Mobile and Desktop
Start make web App from 0%
UI looks zoomed in
Create a website for a poem/book
need some ui recommendations

i don't know how i can do responsive on a design

Figma Question

I want to make product cards with size and prices

Looking for feedback on my blogging website
list-style: none;
on all the li elements or just the children of the li elements? for feedback on this gym app design I am making
Looking for ideas on visualizing activity over time

Need Your Help: Choosing the Perfect Homepage Design for AlgoCraft Systems