Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Looking for feedback on this gym app design I am making

Making this simple gym app for users to track their workouts, bodyweight, strength and calorie intake using only one app. I am more of a software developer so am not really well versed with design guidelines other than a few so would love feedback if I have violated or haven't implemented some of them to keep in mind for further projects. The stuff I need feedback on are: 1. My color combo is the blue and light beige color, so in the navbar I thought to use white for unactive tab since its a standard, but I feel like they aren't that contrasting as compared to active tab so user might have difficulties seeing it especially in bright conditions. Any ways to make them contrasting while keeping the same color combos or should I change it? 2. Most of my pages doesn't have the back button because I am thinking to use swipe back, but I don't know how good this is in point of UI view....

Looking for ideas on visualizing activity over time

I'm building a site for keeping track of my progress towards goals/resolutions during the year. Beginning of the year I would set some resolutions and then every week record whether I worked towards it or not and a note. Note is either what I did, or what prevented me from doing it. My inspiration is GitHub's activity map. I like the idea having an 'at a glance' view of how the year is going. My first attempt was to go vertical. It would be mobile friendly, but I couldn't find a good way to annotate which column belongs to which resolution. Second attempt was to go horizontal and use lines (or spacing?) to visually group resolution and progress together. Unfortunately then I can't think of way to add time annotations. Without those it's harder to see things like "in march I was terrible about walks, I wonder what happened?"...
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Need Your Help: Choosing the Perfect Homepage Design for AlgoCraft Systems

Hello guys, I’m working on deciding between two homepage designs (homepage 1 vs homepage 2) for AlgoCraft Systems, my web development agency. Each design has its strengths, and I’m trying to figure out whether to go with one as is or combine elements from both. If you have a moment, I’d love to get your input. Which approach do you think works better: simplicity, bold creativity, or a mix of both? Let me know your thoughts!...
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Help with responsive layout

In the pic, I have a div that contains the three separate colored divs. Without using media queries as much as possible I'd like to have it as it is full screen with flex-wrap to when the screen decreases to no longer have the blue div, it goes right below the green div and is centered. Then when the green div can no longer be shown, it wraps down to below the red div and the red div is now centered. The red div is also an accordion that is flex-direction: column. Is there any way other than med...
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Need some feedback on how readable my content is

Hello I am making a step-by-step guide and want to know if my images are readable. I display instructions in text as well so I was wonder if I should display the entire "Window" of content or to crop it so the text on the images appear bigger For to see the entire blog...
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what can I try to add a better ui here in this img

Idk what background design or any colour should I try with this ? Or can anyone tell me how can I improve my ui skills in frontend.. and what combinations of bg design in that form bg I done with the home page which is the first page to display in ui but idk what can I try after this pages like inside route pages Thank u in advance...
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how to design this accessibly in a web app

I've been asked to create a web application to replace a word document which is currently being used for a review process. One of the questions in the document is to circle 2 words that apply most and strike 2 words that apply least How can you design this interaction accessibly? Right now, the only way i can think of is to just split it into 2 separate questions and work with checkbox hacks to identify which ones are selected...

Which navbar style looks better. Transparent or opaque?

The hero background is just a video so ignore the changes there. Now coming to the navbar, I wanted it to look professional. I like the transparent one but a few people have told me opaque looks better. I am divided now. I am open to new suggestions as well....
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References/examples of what this design is called?

I want to practice recreating this folder divider design or just knowing how to make these kinds of shapes with html and css. Can't really find any references on google however. If anyone could point me in some direction that would be appreciated, thanks.
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How to make a page both scale with viewport size and also be accessible for people zooming in.

Making a page responsive, I've once resorted to sizing elements with vw/vh, however that can make it difficult to zoom in on text so it's bad for accessibility. What's a good general approach?

feedback for mobile design

im a frontend dev but i was messing around with figma and i made a design for a mobile app . i was going for a minimalist deign could you tell me if this is looking good or should i add color
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Table mobile design (large amount of field)

Hello. I have a working table displaying information about transactions done on blockchains. It got a large number of field about values like dates, cost price sales price slippage.. 13 field in total. pluss actions like checkbox selection and icon for opening menu where you can interact with the field like setting manual prices. This is a MUI data grid table. ...
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Feedback on space themed website

I made this site for a friend and tried getting creative with it. Feedback would be appreciated!

Grid with minimum aspect ratio

I have a grid that shows images. I want to have 3 cola but also want the grid to maintain 16- 9 aspect ratio always without overlapping if there is no way to keep aspect ratio the grid should creat another row

Feedback on a login and sign up screens for a phone app

I am developing a fitness app and i am not sure if i forgot anything in this design, also i would like to hear if you like how the colours match and if the font size is good. Big text on the top is 32px Sign up is 16px inputs are 13px password requiermants are 8px...
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Feedback on my desktop app welcome screen

I'm developing an app that allows quickly prototyping UIs through configuration files (and in the future also with a no-code editor) for a desktop toolkit. I'm not very good at front end stuff, but I'm quite passionate about it, I like designing UIs. I would really appreciate it if someone with more experience than me could take a look at the welcome screen of my app and give me some feedback. ...
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How to reduce the gaps between the firstRow and SecondRow, When the 2nd column height increases

When 2nd column height increases, it takes lot of gap between firstRow and secondRow that shouldnt be the case, The first and secondRow gap should be 1rem, that is it.

Feedback on unfinished blog post/site

I would like some feedback on my blog post/site. Any tips on ideal image sizing, spacing when it comes to margin and padding on elements etc. Also if anyone can link me to a good blogging website, or any website that I can use as a reference I would greatly appericate it.

Figma designs -> CSS code. Linear-fill background?

I'm trying to replicate this design into CSS (I started off simple, yea, I know)... top and bottom 15% is #1A1919.. the rest is #B57D7D but it looks like it's at 50% from top to bottom, then 50% from bottom to top...? is this even possible, should make it simpler?...
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Styling Forms, Cards, and Navbars - opinions/helpful tips please :)

With or without a framework/lib, can y'all please help a newb out with some styling on these specific components, as I'm getting nowhere 😅 Can use my portfolio as an example of my current attempts at all 3.