i don't know how i can do responsive on a design
hey everyone, so i struggle to do responsive on a website that i'm working, on, not the css aspect of it but like on the design itself
meaning this ; i was given a design & i was told to make a website looking like this; the bloglist & single blog;
so i made something that somewhat looks like it
the issue is idk how to make this responsive, like i don't have no idea where to transition the elements and stuff

11 Replies
i think for single posts , it starts to look tight right around 1600

the very general guideline for going from Desktop to Mobile is that you just stack everything in one column
and for less wide desktop displays, you start collapsing stuff like that ToC
mm so from 1440 i should toggle the mobile/tablet layout??
and make it in a button
probably not the full mobile layout, but maybe collapse the menu... or just let the images get less wide.
i don't understand when you say collapsing, are you suggesting that i turn the table of content on smaller layouts to be a togglable button on the right, just like a mobile menu??
also this
so on the bloglisting everything looks good with the grid thing

right about 1280 width
the menu on the left looks tight
should i also make the navbar on the right be toggleable like a mobile menu or you suggest i make anew layout like the following

both are options, really
I like drawers, personally, and pinning them open when there's enough horizontal space
this makes the categories look a little cramped, so I'd either give them a bit more room and have one column of cards, or make it toggleable.
drawers as this

probably not fullscreen on a desktop layout, but yeah