need some ui recommendations
So totally 6 images I sent here , all the contents was in 1 page and similar like this I have other pages as well but content would differ , when I saw this It kinda seems like I reading in Wikipedia so kinda I need any recommendations or iconsor image I can add and my site is based on digital marketing

13 Replies
My first recommendation would be to have less wide lines, a maximum of 9 - 12 words on one line:

That reads a lot nicer
Also.. it is a loooot of text. People tend to not read anything when they see so much text.
Another thing.. the blue parts of the header are very hard to read, not enough contrast with the black background
I also find the headers pretty long
Maybe divide the page in sections visually, so it doesn't seem like one very long block of text
And the Let's work together is more like a hero type of thing. Those are generally not at the end of a page, but in the beginning
Also, the blue social media links are hardly noticable on the dark background
For the steps you could do something like this, to make it a more distinguished part and to visually hint they are steps, instead of a lot of text:

Also.. is this an exercise? Because it seems weird to me you make a website for a digital marketing company that also does design and you need help designing..
Another thing.. in the beginning the text says Public Limited Company (PLC). I think you only used the acronym only once in the text later, but you do use Public Limited Company a loooooot of times in the text.
I'm working on an institute company , they gave me an example of site and contents and I started working with that now I that guy wants me to do this , i have no idea so I came here
Thats what they send , they told me to not change text content
I hate this template as for blue color , i told him that line yellow is better but he wants blue
I would make like this fir my steps
As for the colours.. now you have pure white on pure black, that is too much contrast. Maybe search the internet for how to use colors in dark mode
Weird they want someone with no experience to design something
Alright will check out and thanks for the points section
just to add to this: too much contrast can cause hallation for people with astigmatism
basically, people with it will sorta see some halos around the text
by the way, is that scrollbar visible to people with blue colorblindness?
I don't think of this as color blindness people
Should I make my scrollbar as default or change the colour
test it, then decide
How to test that ? Sorry I never heard about these type of topics , can u share better article
chrome has tools to simulate visual issues
you have to use the element inspector for it
Sure thank u