KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 2/15/2025 in #front-end
border ui issue
No description
14 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 2/13/2025 in #front-end
autofill input field bg Color change
No description
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 2/12/2025 in #front-end
dark - toggle in reactjs
So Im going to create a portfolio for me , And I get some template and thinking about adding Dark-light toggle on that , i asked chatGpt and it gives as that we need to store the value ( light or dark on Local storage) and gets based on that , is there any other way other than using local storage orcan we get users system theme ?? In reactjs
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 2/1/2025 in #ui-ux
need some ui recommendations
No description
30 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 1/7/2025 in #front-end
need help with creating marquee type in html css I tried creating like marquee , i created like A B C D E A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 But it's starts from A2 Element and when E2 ends then it's waited , I even tried like adding extra 2 rows as A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 When I add this , it's start A3 and when the animation ends it starts from again A3 not continuing from A1
3 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 12/27/2024 in #front-end
how to override the inline css with external css
So I created a reusable component in reactjs and I use inline css for that and I use inline css on whenever I use that component depends on my page now I need to edit component as reusablility , i try css normally it won't work ! But if I tried with ! important rule in css , it works .. is it ok to add ! important on every media queries
const button={
width:'100px',height:'100px' , color:'#fff' }

export default function Button( {children} ){

return <button id='btn' style={button} >

const button={
width:'100px',height:'100px' , color:'#fff' }

export default function Button( {children} ){

return <button id='btn' style={button} >

in css
@media only screen and (min-width:320px) and ( max-width:479px){
@media only screen and (min-width:320px) and ( max-width:479px){
3 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 12/24/2024 in #ui-ux
what can I try to add a better ui here in this img
No description
38 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 11/15/2024 in #front-end
how to calculate border values based on height and width in css for loaders In this code i set 50px for height and width and set 8px for border So currently I create basic loaders for my project in react as re usable so I can reuse Currently I use this formula like const loader size = size * 0.16 Here size will be same for both height and width , For eg if I set size as 50 , width will 50px and height will be 50px So what I need is , is there any better formula ?
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 11/13/2024 in #front-end
how to make this column as straight in flex
So I want all the contents in same direction
30 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 11/13/2024 in #front-end
how to re render react re usabelcomponent
So I have an resusable component for Toaster notification with message , color property for now I only make with message So In that Toaster , it contains message and close icon button so whenever I click the toaster would go off (false) but whenever I get message propes I set useEffect with setShow true So the problem is if I get same message again It doesn't show the toaster Toaster.jsx
Function Toaster({message}){
const [show,setIsshow] = useState(true);

Function close(){

setIsshow (true) },[message] )

If(!show) {
return null
return (
<p> {message} </p>
<button onClick={close} > Click </button>
Function Toaster({message}){
const [show,setIsshow] = useState(true);

Function close(){

setIsshow (true) },[message] )

If(!show) {
return null
return (
<p> {message} </p>
<button onClick={close} > Click </button>
const isErr, setError=(false)
Const errmsg,seterrms=useState ('')

} Catch(e){

isErr && <Toaster message={errmsg} />
const isErr, setError=(false)
Const errmsg,seterrms=useState ('')

} Catch(e){

isErr && <Toaster message={errmsg} />
2 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 11/5/2024 in #front-end
is reusable good for 200lines of code in reactjs
So I m going to have 3 different component with different Imgs for each component and texts too like ( different for each titles or names) So I was wondering i can do like Fetch from Mongodb and use useNavigate to pass with state value like this
const navigation= useNavigate ();
navigation (`${}` , { state : val })
const navigation= useNavigate ();
navigation (`${}` , { state : val })
Here val is the data fetch from backend , so I'm using as routes so it will be different routes For ex , if I click two it will navigate to /two and if I click one , it will nav to /one and pass different values for different routes And I use useLocation to get the values from that So my Question is All the components have same design but different Imgs and texts Would u guys think having 200+ lines of code as reusable component Or should I try useContext or should I go with useNavigate and useLocation ??
1 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 11/4/2024 in #front-end
how to make a text p tag fills it from parent container
Code link : So I want that p tag text to completely takes width and fills it
14 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 11/2/2024 in #front-end
how to make border bottom color transition I want that border bottom transition coming from center and to fill rest of border
8 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 10/3/2024 in #front-end
how to performance of react
So I made an mern website and use page insights to check the analysis so it shows 55% performance on mobile and 73 on desktop So I reduced the quality compression of images and add lazy components with lazy componentimg using LazyComponentmg Library and Removed that unused dependcies , can anyone give me suggestions how can I improve it , I can send that website link , i was thinking about input fields onChange event to use useRef hook ?
28 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 9/28/2024 in #front-end
how to make like this "..." when a text goes out of parents width
codepen link : it output as test test test but i want like test test test... that dots
3 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 9/26/2024 in #back-end
how to prevent logging out user from refreshing the page in express js
so i use express sessions and reactjs for frontend . when i log in the session is set username correctly and can access on other routes as well but once i hit refresh the user log outs , how to prevent this ?
secret: process.env.SECRET_KEY,
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false,
cookie: {
secure: false,
httpOnly: false,
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24


secret: process.env.SECRET_KEY,
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false,
cookie: {
secure: false,
httpOnly: false,
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24


if(password===123){ = username;
if(password===123){ = username;
const name =;
console.log(name) //Logs the name
const name =;
console.log(name) //Logs the name
1 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 9/17/2024 in #back-end
need help with error handling in async functions in js
So i fetch some details from backend and get in if i turn off my internet it shows error as "cannot read properties undefined" , so i add as if(!res) throw error and provide catch block in frontend but it shows error instead it catch and store on error variable heres the code: react code
async function fetchdata(){
let res = await axios.get(`http://localhost:4040/delivery/food/${foodName}`)
if(!res || ! ){
throw new Error('Network response was not ok')

}catch (err) {

let errMsg = "Something error occur"
errMsg =
else if(err.message){
errMsg = err.message;

} finally {
async function fetchdata(){
let res = await axios.get(`http://localhost:4040/delivery/food/${foodName}`)
if(!res || ! ){
throw new Error('Network response was not ok')

}catch (err) {

let errMsg = "Something error occur"
errMsg =
else if(err.message){
errMsg = err.message;

} finally {
routes.get('/delivery/food/:foodName', async(req, res) => {
const foodName = req.params.foodName.toLocaleLowerCase();
try {
const FoodNameDb = await FoodDetailsModel.find({
Foodname: foodName
if (FoodNameDb) {
return res.status(200).json(FoodNameDb);
} else {
return res.status(400).send("Food not available for now")
} catch (e) {
routes.get('/delivery/food/:foodName', async(req, res) => {
const foodName = req.params.foodName.toLocaleLowerCase();
try {
const FoodNameDb = await FoodDetailsModel.find({
Foodname: foodName
if (FoodNameDb) {
return res.status(200).json(FoodNameDb);
} else {
return res.status(400).send("Food not available for now")
} catch (e) {
1 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 9/16/2024 in #front-end
need help with grid in responsive
No description
12 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 9/14/2024 in #front-end
need help in grid and flex css in responsive
Codepen :
<div id='container'>
<div id='header'>
<div id='input'>
<input type='text' />
<div id='buttons'>
<button> button1 </button>
<button> button2 </button>
<div id='container'>
<div id='header'>
<div id='input'>
<input type='text' />
<div id='buttons'>
<button> button1 </button>
<button> button2 </button>
#container {
background-color: white;
min-height: 15dvh;
max-height: 20dvh;
height: auto;
width: 100%;
margin: auto;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: row;

#header {
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 30px;
transform: skewX(-15deg);
#input input{

width: 300px;
height: 50px;
padding-left: 50px;
outline: none;
border: 1px solid black;
border-left: unset;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-evenly;
width: 20%;
#container {
background-color: white;
min-height: 15dvh;
max-height: 20dvh;
height: auto;
width: 100%;
margin: auto;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: row;

#header {
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 30px;
transform: skewX(-15deg);
#input input{

width: 300px;
height: 50px;
padding-left: 50px;
outline: none;
border: 1px solid black;
border-left: unset;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-evenly;
width: 20%;
So it wil be like : Tomato input box button1 button2 But now in resposnive i want it to like this : Tomato button1 button2 input box
@media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:480px) {
#container {
background-color: white;
min-height: 15dvh;
max-height: 20dvh;
height: auto;
width: 100%;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-template-rows: auto auto;
#header {
grid-column: 1;
display: inline;
#buttons {
grid-column: 2;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
background-color: green;
#input {
grid-row: 2;
@media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:480px) {
#container {
background-color: white;
min-height: 15dvh;
max-height: 20dvh;
height: auto;
width: 100%;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-template-rows: auto auto;
#header {
grid-column: 1;
display: inline;
#buttons {
grid-column: 2;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
background-color: green;
#input {
grid-row: 2;
the buttons goes beyond that 100% width
6 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by vic on 9/13/2024 in #front-end
how to wrap these in elements within 50px of height in css
so i want that icon and two p tags text inside 50px of height . in that icon place there will be a mui icons , icon fits perfect but the text going outside , i tried justify-content:unset;
<div id='ios-icon-div'>
<p>Icon</p> // It is a placeholder and This fits well
<div id='ios-download-text' >
<p>Download on the </p> //this text going outside
<p>Apple Store </p> //this text going outside
<div id='ios-icon-div'>
<p>Icon</p> // It is a placeholder and This fits well
<div id='ios-download-text' >
<p>Download on the </p> //this text going outside
<p>Apple Store </p> //this text going outside
#ios-icon-div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
background-color: red;
height: 50px;
width: 140px;

#ios-download-text {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
#ios-icon-div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
background-color: red;
height: 50px;
width: 140px;

#ios-download-text {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
3 replies