DH 2.1.3 Server Crash - Exception ticking world
Superflat world with very tall layers cause OutOfMemoryError on world rendering
LODs on a server
Help plez
The LOD's have FOG, how can I disable them?
World Clipping?
Holes between vanilla render distance and DH LOD:s
Help plez
Crashing while initializing game
Trees not generating on surface until the chunk is loaded directly
shader menu invisible
Lines in water LOD chunks with Photon shaderpack
"Unable to deserialize blocks for chunk section" Game crashes reliably 5 minutes after loading in
Wynncraft/Zoom Rendering Issues
Incompatible mods found!net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException: Some of your mods are incompat
Using iris shaders disables ambient occlusion option in DH settings
Weird water issue
Crash right after loading / creating a world