How to properly close a widget
I have a reference to an open widget that I want to close, but how can I do so properly? I can remove it from the viewport with
Remove from Parent
but then the mouse is still in UI mode until I press Esc
Defining ADA Messages
working on the docs page for ADA messages. the new 1.0 system looks pretty nice, but I had a few questions:
- the doc comment on mSubtitles mentions a "narrative sync tool" for generating subtitles from the mMessage field and timing them correctly. is this tool something we could get access to, or should we try to make our own? I didn't see any evidence of the tool being included in the project already so I assume it's an editor widget on CSS's side
- we already have pretty decent settings for generating ADA via the TTS, but is there any info on generating the alien messages? I know it's distorted ADA
powershell-startup-script doesn't load the latest save (1.0)
The SF-startup-powershell script doesn't load the latest save when $loadLatestSave is $true. Here is a generated .ini snippet:
SF version:
What I've tried without success:
created a file named
in the folder "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory"
. I wrote the following in the file:
...Get location in front of player
How can I get the location just in front of the player? Ideally I'd want to make sure nothing occupies the space as well.
From past experience I'm guessing it has something to do with getting the player camera and the forward vector, but I'm not sure exactly....
Do something like this, trace around and see what you get a hit on
Character customizer mod idea
Would it be possible to make it so where you can set the material of a helmet/outfit?
An example:
You can set the FICSIT scout helmet to the use the golden material with this mod. It'll have the model of the scout helmet, but use the golden texture/material from the "Early Access" helmet...
Changing Space Elevator Phases
I'm trying to change the Space Elevator phase costs, and change other things about it. I've created a new Blueprint Data Asset based on FGGame Phase. I'm trying to figure out how to actually change the elevator to using this phase instead of Phase 1, though. Any idea?
You cannot change it to use this phase instead of phase 1, you can only add new phases this way. If you want to change the existing phase modify it's asset in runtime

Index Was Outside the Bounds of the Array - FModel Mesh Extraction
Trying to use FModel to extract game assets and can't get it to work. I followed the documentation to set US Version to GAME_UE5_2 (536870944) and updated the Custom Versions and enabled local mapping file path. I also modified Models Mesh Format to gITF2.0 (binary).
My Archive options are
1. CrashreportClient.pak (45.45 MB)
2. FactoryGame-Windows.pak (1.64 GB)...
How can I save the Static Mesh property of an FGBuildable component?
Hi, I'm making a buildable for Factory Props that allows the player to customize a character model, and you can select which helmet mesh to use from a UI. This triggers a "Set Static Mesh" node on the StaticMesh component of the building. The problem is that the selected mesh does not save, and is set to the default one after a reload. I've read through the [save system documentation](
Alternate method: Linear motion does this by putting the selectable meshes into a map and saving the selected string.

Abstract Instance fails to load and crashes Unreal Engine while not showing up on the screen.
As said in the title, Abstract Instance is causing a crash with my editor in its initialization, causing it to abort - was talking about this yesterday in discussion but didn’t get any responses to help with the issue.
A reinstall of the project helped, forgot about this forum
Can't run Alpakit with latest SML (for 1.0) and Unreal 5.3.2-CSS
I can't build any Mod with Alpakit. It was running in the past. Could be files that are not in the project folder. The error is:
LogAlpakit: Error: [Package SML] RunUAT.bat ERROR: Visual studio and/or AutomationTool.csproj was not found, nor was Engine\Binaries\DotNET\AutomationTool\AutomationTool.dll. Can't run the automation tool.
LogAlpakit: Display: [Package SML] BUILD FAILED...
It works after reinstalling Unreal-CSS ... but why was this file(s) deleted ... ?
New Consumable
Is there any documentation or examples of creating a new consumable item (like berries or nuts)? I'm trying to figure out how/where to register it so it actually available in-game. I don't plan on making it craftable so adding it to a schematic with a recipe unlock doesn't make sense.
consumables are just equipment items
Unlocked Parts for Awesome Shop Not Showing Up on Dedicated
I've tried making a generic mod that simply adds Mercer Spheres and Somersloops to the Awesome Shop after the first research for them is done
The Entry simply does not show up when playing on a dedicated server, but the exact same save File works fine for Single Player.
I'm wondering if there is a way to Replicate the information properly, or if there's just something i missed that needs to be done for it to work as intended....
@Robb (Mods don't work on 1.0) am I remembering correctly that we had an issue about some type of content not being registered on the client?

ExampleMod menu slug not showing up
Trying to get examplemod's menu modification (spawning a power slug in view of the camera to work) but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong or what to do next. I know it's spawning because I heard the "power slug hum" for a second or so before adding the delay node, but it's never in frame and I can't hear it again after that short time.
this is basically exactly the same as what the U8 menu tweak did, except I switched from PlayerController to PlayerCameraManager because player controller (and controlled pawn) is at 0,0,0 in this level map
nevermind I am l'idiot, it it spawning the slug, it just doesn't have the slug hum sound any more after that initial moment, for who knows why. and after switching the camera manager I needed to flip the -1000 offset to 1000 for it to be in frame
ExampleMod trinket not showing up in the closet
I have a trinket defined in ExampleMod and it's granted by a schematic, but unlocking the schematic doesn't seem to give access to the trinket
in the end I went with
- actual trinket unocked by HUB milestone. also included an InfoOnlyUnlock because otherwise there is no indication of an unlock
- barebones customization unlock to actually register it
- Unlocked By Default off...