GUI does not work correctly

Alpakit not packing on mod that was just created
Hook crashing on save load in unexpected manner
checkAny help? im trying to build FactoryGame
Make the voice of ADA and the aliens
Alpakit not packing on freshly created mod
Alpakit wont pak, Android.Automation.dll not found
Steam cannot load due to missing dlls, EGS fires up just fine.
[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: uv.dll
[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: zlib1.dll
[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: uv.dll
[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: zlib1.dll
error code when trying to set up
WWise Issues on First Build

Hey, does anyone have any clue why sometimes the widget material is not applying?

974 Errors when building project for the first time

Position of Resource Ores/Nodes
How do I test my 1.0 mod on Windows dedicated server?
to the server's FactoryGame\Mods\<ModName>
dir (that <ModName>
dir should then immediately contain the <ModName>.uplugin
Buildings with no Cost never finish their build animation
, I just checked in game todayHow can I change the color parameters on the pioneer materials?
, Secondary
, and Tertiary
vector parameters, but tho...
GitHub Desktop cloned the wrong branch
git checkout dev
which works as long as the branch exists on the remoteHow to properly close a widget
Remove from Parent
but then the mouse is still in UI mode until I press Esc