PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 2/3/2024 in #help-forum
35 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 2/3/2024 in #help-forum
115 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 1/20/2024 in #help-forum
みなさんならどう書くのかと思いました 詳細 ダメージを与えた時、30tickごとに10ダメージが入る。 例 1(素手)→10→10→10→10 発動中、もう一度同じ敵にダメージを与えてもダメージの重複はしないがダメージを与えた時点から4回となる。
15 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 12/28/2023 in #help-forum
loop all players in radius 4 around player:
loop 5 times:
send "test" to loop-player
wait 1 second
loop all players in radius 4 around player:
loop 5 times:
send "test" to loop-player
wait 1 second
23 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 12/22/2023 in #help-forum
on join:
set {centhe2.skill.%player%} to 1

on damage:
if 0 < {centhe2.skill.%attacker%}:
if attacker is not a player:
send "A" to victim
set {_fd} to damage
set damage to {_fd} * 0.1
if attacker is player:
send "B" to attacker
on join:
set {centhe2.skill.%player%} to 1

on damage:
if 0 < {centhe2.skill.%attacker%}:
if attacker is not a player:
send "A" to victim
set {_fd} to damage
set damage to {_fd} * 0.1
if attacker is player:
send "B" to attacker
17 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 12/11/2023 in #help-forum
on rightclick holding diamond:
set {centhe2.skill.%player%} to 1
set {} to now
wait 15 seconds
difference between now and {} > 14 seconds
set {centhe2.skill.%player%} to 0
on damage:
if 1 = {centhe2.skill.%attacker%}:
make attacker damage victim by 5
on rightclick holding diamond:
set {centhe2.skill.%player%} to 1
set {} to now
wait 15 seconds
difference between now and {} > 14 seconds
set {centhe2.skill.%player%} to 0
on damage:
if 1 = {centhe2.skill.%attacker%}:
make attacker damage victim by 5
49 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/29/2023 in #help-forum
8 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
ビームを作ってみたいのですが、loop entitiesとか使っても上手くできません...毎度の如く、トライアンドエラーで1時間半ぐらい経過して分からなかったので聞きに来ました
51 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
if {test::%player%} is set:でクールタイムを作った時に、waitを使うとバグる
on rightclick holding enchanted book:
if uncoloured name of player's tool is "test":
if {test::%player%} is set:
difference of {test::%player%} and now < 5 seconds
execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.portal.trigger ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
set {_countdown} to 10
apply potion of speed 2 without particles to player for 10 seconds
apply potion of jump boost 10 without particles to player for 10 seconds
loop 7 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
loop 3 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
remove speed from the player
remove jump boost from the player
set {test::%player%} to now
on rightclick holding enchanted book:
if uncoloured name of player's tool is "test":
if {test::%player%} is set:
difference of {test::%player%} and now < 5 seconds
execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.portal.trigger ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
set {_countdown} to 10
apply potion of speed 2 without particles to player for 10 seconds
apply potion of jump boost 10 without particles to player for 10 seconds
loop 7 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
loop 3 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
remove speed from the player
remove jump boost from the player
set {test::%player%} to now
5 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
12 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/11/2023 in #help-forum
12 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/9/2023 in #help-forum
13 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/4/2023 in #help-forum
on damageでアタッカーとして敵にダメージを入れたい
on damage:
if uncoloured name of attacker's tool is "護身用短剣":
make attacker damage victim by 3
cancel event
on damage:
if uncoloured name of attacker's tool is "護身用短剣":
make attacker damage victim by 3
cancel event
19 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/3/2023 in #help-forum
on damage of player: if player's helmet is diamond helmet named "20% less damage": set {_fd} to final damage set final damage to {_fd} * 0.8
on damage of player: if player's helmet is diamond helmet named "20% less damage": set {_fd} to final damage set final damage to {_fd} * 0.8
ネットから引っ張ってきたやつなんですけど、これって多分「ダイヤモンドヘルメットで少し軽減したダメージを20%軽減する」ってことになってますよね ダイヤモンドヘルメットは言わば飾りで、受けたダメージを20%軽減する機能だけ欲しいんですけどダイヤモンドヘルメットの防御機能を無くす方法ありますか?
5 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 8/8/2023 in #help-forum
今僕はRPGサーバーを作っていて、RPGには欠かせない役職(戦士、魔法使いみたいな)を作りたいです。 具体的にどういう風な構想してるかというと、 村に必ずあるエンチャントテーブルを右クリック→GUIが出てきて、戦士だの魔法使いだの選べる→特定のアイテムは、(スキル本とか)特定の役職でしか使えない
22 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 5/21/2023 in #help-forum
PVPとかであるNo delayみたいな感じです。できれば完全に無くすのでは無く無敵時間を減らしたいです。
13 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 5/20/2023 in #help-forum
67 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 5/19/2023 in #help-forum
6 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 5/19/2023 in #help-forum
8 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 5/18/2023 in #help-forum
26 replies