
ビームを作ってみたいのですが、loop entitiesとか使っても上手くできません...毎度の如く、トライアンドエラーで1時間半ぐらい経過して分からなかったので聞きに来ました
18 Replies
月猫ch16mo ago
実際にどんなコード書いたのかわかれば アドバイスしやすい 全部作って  なら話は別だけど
lalacya16mo ago
on rightclick:
player's tool is stick named "&c&lLASER"
execute player command "laser"

command getlaser:
give stick named "&c&lLASER" to player

command laser:
set {_head} to location of player's head
set {_angle} to vector from yaw (yaw of player) and pitch (pitch of player)
play sound "entity.chicken.egg" with pitch 1.75 at player

set {_id} to random integer between 0 and 1000

loop 50 times:

add 0.1 to vector length of {_angle}
shoot snowball from location {_angle} {_head} at speed 0.1 {_angle}

add "isLaser" to scoreboard tags of last shot snowball
add "laserId.%{_id}%" to scoreboard tags of last shot snowball
set shooter of last shot snowball to player

wait 1 ticks
loop all snowballs:
if loop-value has scoreboard tag "isLaser":
if shooter of loop-entity is player:
if loop-value has scoreboard tag "laserId.%{_id}%":
kill loop-entity

on projectile collide:
if event-projectile has scoreboard tag "isLaser":
cancel event
if invulnerability ticks of event-entity < 11:
if shooter of event-projectile is not event-entity:
damage event-entity by 6
play sound "entity.firework.blast" with pitch 1.75 at shooter

kill event-projectile
on rightclick:
player's tool is stick named "&c&lLASER"
execute player command "laser"

command getlaser:
give stick named "&c&lLASER" to player

command laser:
set {_head} to location of player's head
set {_angle} to vector from yaw (yaw of player) and pitch (pitch of player)
play sound "entity.chicken.egg" with pitch 1.75 at player

set {_id} to random integer between 0 and 1000

loop 50 times:

add 0.1 to vector length of {_angle}
shoot snowball from location {_angle} {_head} at speed 0.1 {_angle}

add "isLaser" to scoreboard tags of last shot snowball
add "laserId.%{_id}%" to scoreboard tags of last shot snowball
set shooter of last shot snowball to player

wait 1 ticks
loop all snowballs:
if loop-value has scoreboard tag "isLaser":
if shooter of loop-entity is player:
if loop-value has scoreboard tag "laserId.%{_id}%":
kill loop-entity

on projectile collide:
if event-projectile has scoreboard tag "isLaser":
cancel event
if invulnerability ticks of event-entity < 11:
if shooter of event-projectile is not event-entity:
damage event-entity by 6
play sound "entity.firework.blast" with pitch 1.75 at shooter

kill event-projectile
雪玉を0.1mごとに召喚して当たったらダメージ できるかなーって思って気になったから書いちゃった 雪玉の棒がみょいーんって伸びていくのがキモいけど一応動きました on projectile hitは cancel eventできないのに on projectile collideはできるのうれしい
makaronipizaaOP15mo ago
on projectile collide: でcant understand this event出た.... loop all entities のあとに、front 5 blocks of playerみたいなのつけれないかなとか思って調べてました
loop all entities in radius 4 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
make player damage loop-entity by 10
loop all entities in radius 4 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
make player damage loop-entity by 10
Skript-paperを導入 ↑アドオン そしてraytraceを使用
lalacya15mo ago
on projectile collideはskBeeだった rayTraceとかいう便利なのあるんだつよ
No description
makaronipizaaOP15mo ago
月猫ch15mo ago
できるよ set {_e::*} to all living entities where [distance between player and input <= 4]
lalacya15mo ago
ぼくの解決法: https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4443 大量の雪玉を前方5mに一瞬で敷き詰めて、当たったらダメージ与える みらげの解決法: https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=8344 実体の無い光線を前方に出して、物やエンティティに当たるかどうかの結果を出してくれるので、ダメージを与える
makaronipizaaOP15mo ago
なるほど!! なんかこれ違った プレイヤーを中心とした半径4ブロックになってた
月猫ch15mo ago
あ、ごめん俺の勘違い 中心から4ブロックだと思ってた
makaronipizaaOP15mo ago
プレイヤーの見ている方向..?というか、プレイヤーの前方nブロック を変数に入れてmake player damage {_loc} by 100 みたいにできないかなー って思ってます これも試したんですけどraytraceがうまくいかない;;
unnnnnnnnnnn15mo ago
ヒント vector from yaw player's yaw pitch player's pitch location~vector loop entities in radius n around location 今気づいたけどこれよく見たらわかるはずだな これやりたいならblock n meters in front of playerみたいなの使えるけどおすすめしない 応用を考えるとvector使ってほしい
makaronipizaaOP15mo ago
set {_angle} to vector from yaw (yaw of player) and pitch (pitch of player)
set {_head} to location of player's head
loop 50 times:
loop all entities in radius 1 around location {_angle}:
make player damage loop-entity by 1
add 0.1 to vector length of {_angle}
set {_angle} to vector from yaw (yaw of player) and pitch (pitch of player)
set {_head} to location of player's head
loop 50 times:
loop all entities in radius 1 around location {_angle}:
make player damage loop-entity by 1
add 0.1 to vector length of {_angle}
なぜかloop 50 times:のところの数値を変えても↓のような場合だと一切相手に当たらないのですが
makaronipizaaOP15mo ago
No description
makaronipizaaOP15mo ago
なんなら↑のような場合でなくとも5ブロックぐらいまでしかあたらない... これもしかして add 0.1 to vector length of {_angle} ちがう? add {_angle} to {_head} にしてみた
set {_angle} to vector from yaw (yaw of player) and pitch (pitch of player)
set {_head} to location of player's head
loop 100 times:
loop all entities in radius 1 around {_head} ~ {_angle}:
make player damage loop-entity by 1
play flame on {_head} ~ {_angle}
add 0.1 to vector length of {_angle}
set {_angle} to vector from yaw (yaw of player) and pitch (pitch of player)
set {_head} to location of player's head
loop 100 times:
loop all entities in radius 1 around {_head} ~ {_angle}:
make player damage loop-entity by 1
play flame on {_head} ~ {_angle}
add 0.1 to vector length of {_angle}
flameはうまくいきました!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! flameがあたってるモブにダメージが通ってないことが多々あります
loop all entities in radius 1 around {_head} ~ {_angle}:
loop all entities in radius 1 around {_head} ~ {_angle}:
多分悪いのここって思ってるんですけど どう直せばいいかわからない !! 1.5にしたらいい感じになった! vectorの仕様少し理解できたかも 二時間メモ帳とにらめっこした甲斐がありました

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