PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 3/3/2025 in #help-forum
https://x.com/Tsukineko200323/status/1896398792813113648 twitterの動画でもうしわけない アーマースタンドを使ってアニメーションがあるエンティティを作っているのだが どーもTPさせてるアマスタの描画にずれが発生する
5 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 1/27/2025 in #help-forum
TPでarmor standがずれる
動画のように、armor standを計算で出したlocationにtpさせるとき 時折このようなずれが出ます これを改善する方法ありませんか… 該当コードです⇩
function wildBoar_animation(e: entity, body: entity, head: entity):
set {_headGap} to 0.875

while {_e} is alive:
delete {_v}
delete {_loc::*}
set {_v} to velocity of {_e}
set {_w} to world of {_e}

# 移動しているかどうか
if normal length of {_v} > 0.08:
# ずれが無いので省略
# してないので、headのvectorを参照する
set {_v} to entityHeadVec({_e})
set {_vBody} to entityHeadVec({_body})
if angle between {_v} and {_vBody} >= 70:
set y of {_v} to 0
set normal length of {_v} to {_headGap}
set {_y::body} to yaw of {_v}
set {_y::head} to yaw of {_v}
set {_p::head} to pitch of {_v}
set {_loc::body} to {_e}
set {_loc::head} to {_e} ~ {_v}
set y of {_vBody} to 0
set normal length of {_vBody} to {_headGap}
set {_y::body} to yaw of {_vBody}
set {_y::head} to yaw of {_v}
set {_p::head} to pitch of {_v}
set {_loc::body} to location at {_body}
set {_loc::head} to location at {_body} ~ {_vBody}

teleport {_body} to {_loc::body}
teleport {_head} to {_loc::head}
standRotate({_body}, {_y::body} ,{_p::body})
standRotate({_head}, {_y::head} ,{_p::head})
wait 1 tick
set {_} to (location at {_head})
show 1 flame with speed 0 at {_}
kill {_body}
kill {_head}
function wildBoar_animation(e: entity, body: entity, head: entity):
set {_headGap} to 0.875

while {_e} is alive:
delete {_v}
delete {_loc::*}
set {_v} to velocity of {_e}
set {_w} to world of {_e}

# 移動しているかどうか
if normal length of {_v} > 0.08:
# ずれが無いので省略
# してないので、headのvectorを参照する
set {_v} to entityHeadVec({_e})
set {_vBody} to entityHeadVec({_body})
if angle between {_v} and {_vBody} >= 70:
set y of {_v} to 0
set normal length of {_v} to {_headGap}
set {_y::body} to yaw of {_v}
set {_y::head} to yaw of {_v}
set {_p::head} to pitch of {_v}
set {_loc::body} to {_e}
set {_loc::head} to {_e} ~ {_v}
set y of {_vBody} to 0
set normal length of {_vBody} to {_headGap}
set {_y::body} to yaw of {_vBody}
set {_y::head} to yaw of {_v}
set {_p::head} to pitch of {_v}
set {_loc::body} to location at {_body}
set {_loc::head} to location at {_body} ~ {_vBody}

teleport {_body} to {_loc::body}
teleport {_head} to {_loc::head}
standRotate({_body}, {_y::body} ,{_p::body})
standRotate({_head}, {_y::head} ,{_p::head})
wait 1 tick
set {_} to (location at {_head})
show 1 flame with speed 0 at {_}
kill {_body}
kill {_head}
毎tickTPさせることで動かしていますが 急旋回したときに時折謎のずれを見せています sk上でアマスタの位置を取得したときには、ちゃんと計算上正しい位置にあるはずなのですが 描画は見ての通りずれずれです
7 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 1/6/2025 in #help-forum
[作成依頼] entityのrotateを変えるpacketを送る関数
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PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 1/5/2025 in #help-forum
name of ITEM が挙動不審
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47 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 1/1/2025 in #help-forum
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24 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 12/10/2024 in #help-forum
skBeeの spawn with nbt 構文が動かない
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4 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 12/4/2024 in #help-forum
on load:
set {list::*} to "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"

command /test <{list::*}>:
if arg is {list::1}:
if arg is {list::2}:
if arg is {list::3}:
on load:
set {list::*} to "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"

command /test <{list::*}>:
if arg is {list::1}:
if arg is {list::2}:
if arg is {list::3}:
みたいなことできませんか? ご存じの方構文教えてほしいです ver1165 sk2.9.5です 必要なアドオンは応じて導入します
10 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 11/23/2024 in #help-forum
条件分岐における and or の仕様
すまんしょうもない質問なんやけど if "a b c d e" doesn't contain "a", "b", "c" or "d": という条件分岐、俺の勝手なイメージで "a"~"b"のどれも含んでいない場合true って意味なんだけど、実際はどうなん もしかして "a"~"b" のどれか一つがランダムに選ばれて そこから初めてそれが含まれているかどうかチェックしてる? あと "a b c d e" に"a"~"d"どれか含まれていればtrue/false って条件分岐の描き方を教えてほしい
17 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 11/15/2024 in #help-forum
No description
45 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 11/5/2024 in #help-forum
set {_b} to BLOCK_TYPE
set block at {_loc} to {_b}
set {_b} to BLOCK_TYPE
set block at {_loc} to {_b}
{_b}に入れたブロックを、set block 前にfacing変更してから 初めてset block at {_loc} to {_b} したいです set block した後にfacingを変更すると ベッドの片割れなどが自動でもう片方を生成して 結果画像みたいな状態が生まれてしまいます set block 前にfacingを変更する方法はないでしょうか
5 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 10/25/2024 in #help-forum
んですけど、でふぉるとのskriptの構文で実現可能ですかね… 2.9.xの1.16.5環境です。 良ければ構文を教えて欲しいです…
8 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 9/18/2024 in #help-forum
https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=1027 こいつではblockが取得できなさそうなので 方法しってる方いたら教えてほしいです
5 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 9/11/2024 in #help-forum
No description
9 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 6/12/2024 in #help-forum
とりあえずこれは入れとけっていう 1.16.5におけるskriptの構成教えてください ver付だと助かります
5 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 5/15/2024 in #help-forum
tabで出てくるplayer listに架空の名前を追加
ってskriptで出来ますか? もし良ければ方法も教えて欲しいです
4 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 5/1/2024 in #help-forum
茶色いキノコ入りのflower pot を設置
茶色いキノコが入った状態のflower potを調べても data値もblock typeも empty flower potのままで 茶色いキノコが入った状態 というのの再現方法がわかりません どなたかご存じないでしょうか
4 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 3/26/2024 in #help-forum
No description
29 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 3/19/2024 in #help-forum
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34 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 3/17/2024 in #help-forum
No description
12 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by 月猫ch on 3/13/2024 in #help-forum
on right click:
cooldown of diamond sword of player <= 0
set {_k} to player's tool
name of {_k} contains "Knife"
type of {_k} is diamond sword
if name of {_k} contains "Survival":
set {_damage} to 25
set {_name} to name of player's tool
# 名前から残段数とか取得する処理
# 文字数過多のため省略
if {_n} > 0:
set name of player's tool to "%{_n1}%«%{_n}-1%»%{_n2}%"
else if {_n} is 0:
add -1 to item amount of player's tool
play sound "entity.player.attack.sweep" with volume 1.2 and pitch 1.5 at {_loc}
set cooldown of diamond sword of player to 2
set {_p} to player
if {_p} is set:
set {_vec} to entityHeadVec({_p})
set {_loc} to location at {_p}'s head ~ {_vec}
set normal length of {_vec} to 0.9
set yaw of {_loc} to yaw of player's head
set pitch of {_loc} to pitch of player's head
spawn armor stand at {_loc} ~ vector 0,-1,0 with nbt "{Invisible:true,Small:true,NoBasePlate:true,Pose:{Head:[%pitch of player%f,0f,0f]}}"
#spawn armor stand at {_loc} ~ vector 0,-1,0 with nbt "{Small:true,NoBasePlate:true,Pose:{Head:[%pitch of player%f,0f,0f]}}"
set {_knife} to last spawned entity
#set {_knife}'s gravity to false
#set shooter of {_knife} to player
set metadata "damage" of {_knife} to {_damage}
set metadata "shooter" of {_knife} to player
loop 350 times:
if {_knife} is not alive:
exit 2 sections
delete velocity of {_knife}
set {_l} to {_loc}
set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_vec}
set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ vector 0,-0.01,0
set {_vec} to vector from {_l} to {_loc}
push {_knife} {_vec}
wait 1 tick
loop-num is 1
set {_knife}'s helmet to {_k}
on right click:
cooldown of diamond sword of player <= 0
set {_k} to player's tool
name of {_k} contains "Knife"
type of {_k} is diamond sword
if name of {_k} contains "Survival":
set {_damage} to 25
set {_name} to name of player's tool
# 名前から残段数とか取得する処理
# 文字数過多のため省略
if {_n} > 0:
set name of player's tool to "%{_n1}%«%{_n}-1%»%{_n2}%"
else if {_n} is 0:
add -1 to item amount of player's tool
play sound "entity.player.attack.sweep" with volume 1.2 and pitch 1.5 at {_loc}
set cooldown of diamond sword of player to 2
set {_p} to player
if {_p} is set:
set {_vec} to entityHeadVec({_p})
set {_loc} to location at {_p}'s head ~ {_vec}
set normal length of {_vec} to 0.9
set yaw of {_loc} to yaw of player's head
set pitch of {_loc} to pitch of player's head
spawn armor stand at {_loc} ~ vector 0,-1,0 with nbt "{Invisible:true,Small:true,NoBasePlate:true,Pose:{Head:[%pitch of player%f,0f,0f]}}"
#spawn armor stand at {_loc} ~ vector 0,-1,0 with nbt "{Small:true,NoBasePlate:true,Pose:{Head:[%pitch of player%f,0f,0f]}}"
set {_knife} to last spawned entity
#set {_knife}'s gravity to false
#set shooter of {_knife} to player
set metadata "damage" of {_knife} to {_damage}
set metadata "shooter" of {_knife} to player
loop 350 times:
if {_knife} is not alive:
exit 2 sections
delete velocity of {_knife}
set {_l} to {_loc}
set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_vec}
set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ vector 0,-0.01,0
set {_vec} to vector from {_l} to {_loc}
push {_knife} {_vec}
wait 1 tick
loop-num is 1
set {_knife}'s helmet to {_k}
20 replies