
on load:
set {list::*} to "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"

command /test <{list::*}>:
if arg is {list::1}:
if arg is {list::2}:
if arg is {list::3}:
on load:
set {list::*} to "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"

command /test <{list::*}>:
if arg is {list::1}:
if arg is {list::2}:
if arg is {list::3}:
みたいなことできませんか? ご存じの方構文教えてほしいです ver1165 sk2.9.5です 必要なアドオンは応じて導入します
https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=10477 tab補完ではだめ?...
Skript Hub - Documentation
On Tab Complete (Event) - SkBee
Called when a player attempts to tab complete the arguments of a command. NOTE: Tab complete event is only called for the ARGUMENTS of a command, NOT the command itself. event-string = the command.
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3 Replies
月猫chOP3mo ago
やってみたこと https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=11483 ここ曰く正規表現<.+>で書かれていたので 正規表現が使えるかと思って command /test <(test|test2)>: こういうことをしてみた 結果 普通に(test|test2) なんて type はないよってエラー吐かれた
Skript Hub - Documentation
Command (Structure) - Skript
Used for registering custom commands.
unnnnnnnnnnn3mo ago
https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=10477 tab補完ではだめ?
Skript Hub - Documentation
On Tab Complete (Event) - SkBee
Called when a player attempts to tab complete the arguments of a command. NOTE: Tab complete event is only called for the ARGUMENTS of a command, NOT the command itself. event-string = the command.
月猫chOP3mo ago
まだ使ってみてないんですけど これはskriptのデフォ構文でコマンドを作った後 tabで出る選択肢を上書きできるやつですかね できたあああああああああああああああああああああああ ええええええええええええええええええええええええ GOD BIG LOVE

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