
No description
17 Replies
KabiPan11mo ago
アドオンは分からんが マイクラの本のデーターって恐らくNBT管理されてるから それを上書きすれば編集はできるはず
KabiPan11mo ago
No description
KabiPan11mo ago
Laminas11mo ago
めっちゃ前にフリー配布所に上げてる人いなかったっけ そこから読み解けばいけそう
Yeahn11mo ago
SkBee のGitHub wikiに本の場合の使い方載っていた気がします それかあまりに鯖が古いならSkellettの方のtext component を使うのもあり
KabiPan11mo ago
Skript Hub - Documentation
Book Pages (Expression) - SkBee
Allows you to set pages in a book to text components. You can also retrieve the pages. Based on testing, a book's author/title needs to be set AFTER setting the pages, why? I have no idea!
KabiPan11mo ago
アッタ あでも skript自体にも機能あって2.2以降取得と編集できるね
KabiPan11mo ago
Skript Hub - Documentation
Book Pages (Expression) - Skript
The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format) Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.
KabiPan11mo ago
%pages of event-item%で全ページ取得 %page [数字] of event-item%で指定したページ取得 あと文字の編集で改行したいとき 例えば "panpan" and "kabikabi"みたいにand使うことが出来ない \n使っても出来ない だからやりたいときは"panpan %newline% kabikabi"ってやるとできる
月猫chOP11mo ago
KabiPan11mo ago
月猫chOP11mo ago
%nl%の代わりに %newline%ってことすか
KabiPan11mo ago
あー nlでもいいはず
月猫chOP11mo ago
何か11mo ago
command /test:
set {_t} to parse_book_text("test <tooltip:hello\>>&ab&cb&rc<akbbb:man,egg:test>ah\\no")
broadcast "%{_t}%"
add "{pages:[""%{_t}%""]}" to nbt of player's tool

function parse_book_text(str: string) :: string:
set {_str} to "%{_str}%<>"

while length of {_str} > 0:
set {_i::*} to parse_block({_str}, "<")
if {_i::1} is not -1:
set {_t} to size of {_items::*} + 1
set {_items::%{_t}%} to substr({_str}, 1, {_i::1} - 1)
loop {_attrs::*}:
set {_t2} to index of ":" in loop-value
set {_name} to substr(loop-value, 0, {_t2} - 1)
set {_value} to substr(loop-value, {_t2} + 1)
set {_items::%{_t}%::attrs::%{_name}%} to {_value}
set {_str} to substr({_str}, {_i::1})

set {_i::*} to parse_block({_str}, ">")
if {_i::1} is not -1:
set {_t} to slice({_i::2}, 2, -1)
delete {_attrs::*}
while length of {_t} > 0:
set {_i2::*} to parse_block({_t}, ",")
add {_i2::2} to {_attrs::*}
if {_i2::1} is -1:
stop loop
set {_t} to substr({_t}, {_i2::1} + 1)

set {_str} to substr({_str}, {_i::1} + 1)

stop loop

loop {_items::*}:
delete {_nbt::*}
add "\""text\"":\""%loop-value%\""" to {_nbt::*}
loop {_items::%loop-index%::attrs::*}:
if loop-index-2 is "tooltip":
add "\""hoverEvent\"":{\""action\"":\""show_text\"",\""value\"":\""%loop-value-2%\""}" to {_nbt::*}

set {_data} to join {_nbt::*} with ","
add "{%{_data}%}" to {_components::*}

set {_data} to join {_components::*} with ","
return "[%{_data}%]"

function slice(str: string, start: number, end: number) :: string:
if {_start} < 0:
add length of {_str} + 1 to {_start}
if {_end} < 0:
add length of {_str} + 1 to {_end}
return substr({_str}, {_start}, {_end})
command /test:
set {_t} to parse_book_text("test <tooltip:hello\>>&ab&cb&rc<akbbb:man,egg:test>ah\\no")
broadcast "%{_t}%"
add "{pages:[""%{_t}%""]}" to nbt of player's tool

function parse_book_text(str: string) :: string:
set {_str} to "%{_str}%<>"

while length of {_str} > 0:
set {_i::*} to parse_block({_str}, "<")
if {_i::1} is not -1:
set {_t} to size of {_items::*} + 1
set {_items::%{_t}%} to substr({_str}, 1, {_i::1} - 1)
loop {_attrs::*}:
set {_t2} to index of ":" in loop-value
set {_name} to substr(loop-value, 0, {_t2} - 1)
set {_value} to substr(loop-value, {_t2} + 1)
set {_items::%{_t}%::attrs::%{_name}%} to {_value}
set {_str} to substr({_str}, {_i::1})

set {_i::*} to parse_block({_str}, ">")
if {_i::1} is not -1:
set {_t} to slice({_i::2}, 2, -1)
delete {_attrs::*}
while length of {_t} > 0:
set {_i2::*} to parse_block({_t}, ",")
add {_i2::2} to {_attrs::*}
if {_i2::1} is -1:
stop loop
set {_t} to substr({_t}, {_i2::1} + 1)

set {_str} to substr({_str}, {_i::1} + 1)

stop loop

loop {_items::*}:
delete {_nbt::*}
add "\""text\"":\""%loop-value%\""" to {_nbt::*}
loop {_items::%loop-index%::attrs::*}:
if loop-index-2 is "tooltip":
add "\""hoverEvent\"":{\""action\"":\""show_text\"",\""value\"":\""%loop-value-2%\""}" to {_nbt::*}

set {_data} to join {_nbt::*} with ","
add "{%{_data}%}" to {_components::*}

set {_data} to join {_components::*} with ","
return "[%{_data}%]"

function slice(str: string, start: number, end: number) :: string:
if {_start} < 0:
add length of {_str} + 1 to {_start}
if {_end} < 0:
add length of {_str} + 1 to {_end}
return substr({_str}, {_start}, {_end})
function substr(str: string, start: number, end: number=-1) :: string:
if {_end} is -1:
set {_end} to length of {_str}

if {_start} > length of {_str}:
return ""

return substring of {_str} from {_start} to {_end}

function parse_block(str: string, end: strings) :: objects:
set {_spl::*} to {_str} split at ""
set {_r} to -1
set {_text} to ""
set {_idx} to 1

while {_idx} < size of {_spl::*}:
set {_c} to {_spl::%{_idx}%}

set {_next} to {_idx} + 1
set {_next} to {_spl::%{_next}%}

if {_c} is "\":
add 1 to {_idx}
else if {_end::*} contains {_c}:
set {_r} to {_idx}
stop loop

set {_text} to "%{_text}%%{_spl::%{_idx}%}%"

add 1 to {_idx}

set {_r::1} to {_r}
set {_r::2} to {_text}
return {_r::*}
function substr(str: string, start: number, end: number=-1) :: string:
if {_end} is -1:
set {_end} to length of {_str}

if {_start} > length of {_str}:
return ""

return substring of {_str} from {_start} to {_end}

function parse_block(str: string, end: strings) :: objects:
set {_spl::*} to {_str} split at ""
set {_r} to -1
set {_text} to ""
set {_idx} to 1

while {_idx} < size of {_spl::*}:
set {_c} to {_spl::%{_idx}%}

set {_next} to {_idx} + 1
set {_next} to {_spl::%{_next}%}

if {_c} is "\":
add 1 to {_idx}
else if {_end::*} contains {_c}:
set {_r} to {_idx}
stop loop

set {_text} to "%{_text}%%{_spl::%{_idx}%}%"

add 1 to {_idx}

set {_r::1} to {_r}
set {_r::2} to {_text}
return {_r::*}
何か11mo ago
No description
何か11mo ago
command /test:
set {_l::1} to "name"
set {_l::2} to " %player%"
set {_l::3} to "uuid"
set {_l::4} to " %uuid of player%"
set {_l::5} to "item"
set {_l::6} to " %player's tool%"
set {_l::7} to "location"
set {_l::8} to " %floor(x-pos of location of player)%"
set {_l::9} to " %floor(y-pos of location of player)%"
set {_l::10} to " %floor(z-pos of location of player)%"
set {_t} to parse_book_text(join {_l::*} with "\\n")
add "{pages:[""%{_t}%""]}" to nbt of player's tool
command /test:
set {_l::1} to "name"
set {_l::2} to " %player%"
set {_l::3} to "uuid"
set {_l::4} to " %uuid of player%"
set {_l::5} to "item"
set {_l::6} to " %player's tool%"
set {_l::7} to "location"
set {_l::8} to " %floor(x-pos of location of player)%"
set {_l::9} to " %floor(y-pos of location of player)%"
set {_l::10} to " %floor(z-pos of location of player)%"
set {_t} to parse_book_text(join {_l::*} with "\\n")
add "{pages:[""%{_t}%""]}" to nbt of player's tool
こういう使い方ができてコードがきれいにまとめられる attributeは自分で追加

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