
on rightclick holding diamond axe:
loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
set {_loc1} to location of loop-entity
set {_loc2} to location of the player
set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}
play flame on player's location ~ {_v}
on rightclick holding diamond axe:
loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
set {_loc1} to location of loop-entity
set {_loc2} to location of the player
set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}
play flame on player's location ~ {_v}
14 Replies
makaronipizaaOP6mo ago
今とりあえず自分から周囲にいるエンティティに向かってパーティクルを出そうと思っているのですが vectorの教育が甘く何も手を付けられない状況です
yukkina6mo ago
rayfallかなdragonかな drawLINEみたいなエフェクトもありますよ
月猫ch6mo ago
普通に今のうちvectorに手を出した方が良さそう ちなみにA地点からB地点までのvectorは vector from A to B
makaronipizaaOP6mo ago
ありがとうございます!頑張ってみます それでも無理そうだったらまたここにきます skdragonの仕様がよくわかんなかったんですよね
makaronipizaaOP6mo ago
No description
makaronipizaaOP6mo ago
{_v}がそもそもクリーパーを指してない感じっぽい? どういう仕様なんだ なんか{_loc2}と{_loc1}で順番変えたら普通にいけた まじで線で出す方法がわからん
makaronipizaaOP6mo ago
on rightclick holding diamond axe:
loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
set {_loc1} to location of loop-entity
set {_loc2} to location of the player
set {_v} to vector from {_loc2} to {_loc1}
play flame on player's location ~ {_v}
on rightclick holding diamond axe:
loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
set {_loc1} to location of loop-entity
set {_loc2} to location of the player
set {_v} to vector from {_loc2} to {_loc1}
play flame on player's location ~ {_v}
これじゃあentityの位置にパーティクル出すだけだね vectorの長さを0からplayerとloop-entity間の距離まで変えながら表示しよう
Skript Hub - Documentation
Vectors - Length (Expression) - Skript
Gets or sets the length of a vector.
月猫ch6mo ago
まあどうしてもわからなかったら、サンプルコード出すから りばーすえんじにありんぐ というやつで学べばよろし
makaronipizaaOP6mo ago
loop all entities in radius 9 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
set standard length of {_v} to 0
set {_kyori} to 1
set {_loc1} to location of loop-entity
set {_loc2} to location of the player
set {_v} to vector from {_loc2} to {_loc1}
set {_dist} to distance between {_loc2} and {_loc1}
loop {_dist} times:
set standard length of {_v} to {_kyori}
drawDot count 1, particle "redstone", RGB 250, 250, 110, center player's location ~ {_v}, rainbowMode false, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
drawDot count 1, particle "redstone", RGB 245, 130, 43, center player's location ~ {_v}, rainbowMode false, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
add 1 to {_kyori}
loop all entities in radius 9 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
set standard length of {_v} to 0
set {_kyori} to 1
set {_loc1} to location of loop-entity
set {_loc2} to location of the player
set {_v} to vector from {_loc2} to {_loc1}
set {_dist} to distance between {_loc2} and {_loc1}
loop {_dist} times:
set standard length of {_v} to {_kyori}
drawDot count 1, particle "redstone", RGB 250, 250, 110, center player's location ~ {_v}, rainbowMode false, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
drawDot count 1, particle "redstone", RGB 245, 130, 43, center player's location ~ {_v}, rainbowMode false, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
add 1 to {_kyori}
月猫ch6mo ago
Vector 「(´・ω・`)」
Unknown User
Unknown User5mo ago
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