Created by JimMD on 7/6/2024 in #brands
Freenote Cloth
Yeah, I'm sure the stuff is worth the price but I don't have any local stockists and their leather stuff is way more than I'd be comfortable spending just off measurements. I'll probably pick up a shirt sometime later this year when it gets cooler.
5 replies
Created by JimMD on 7/6/2024 in #brands
Freenote Cloth
I love their waxed cotton jackets. Been very tempted by their jeans, but haven't gotten one yet. I really like a lot of their rockabilly shirts and leather jackets but MSRP always feels a bit too high to justify.
5 replies
Created by tijelu on 5/12/2024 in #brands
Iron Heart
I love both of mine
19 replies
Created by Spuck on 8/7/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Highly recommend it. They're an incredible value as long as you're good with quartz
1064 replies
Created by Spuck on 8/7/2023 in #fashion-discussion
No description
1064 replies
Created by Bigelow on 8/4/2023 in #fashion-discussion
I love cycling in denim when I'm commuting
641 replies
Created by Bigelow on 8/4/2023 in #fashion-discussion
2-4 weeks for the pairs I wear near daily. The ones I only wear every other week probably get washed 3 times a year
641 replies
Created by Spuck on 8/7/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Based on how many Youtuber's took sponsorships from Masterworks... I'd say it sadly is needed.
1064 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 6/8/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
What's Mario's Favorite Jacket? - Topic of the day 6/8/24
No description
43 replies
Created by Yakkeks on 6/6/2024 in #brands
The Real McCoy's
I have a heather grey sweatshirt from them and its one of my favorite items. First "nice" sweatshirt I'd ever bought and one of the few I like to wear directly on skin or with a small undershirt.
25 replies
Created by tijelu on 5/12/2024 in #brands
Iron Heart
634 is wide enough for me but I wish the rise was at least an inch higher. Their 1955 cut seems pretty nice, but sells out fast and is very limited compared to their more "mainline" cuts
19 replies
Created by tijelu on 5/12/2024 in #brands
Iron Heart
Love their fabric, neutral to dislike their cuts
19 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 4/17/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Clothing as Aspirational - Topic of the day 4/17/24
Then it's a difference of severity. I don't think the primary motivator for fashion is to signal status to others. I think many people, especially in a place like this, engage in fashion to achieve some internal congruence of how they see themselves. In that regard I should have said "primarily about" instead of "inherently tied to". I am still not convinced on the "inherently tied to" bit but that's more because it's an unfalsifiable statement. How would you ever disprove that something isn't about status? Is there a prediction one could make about how someone will dress that could be proven wrong? I can't prove something unfalsifiable wrong by definition but that also makes it uninteresting to talk about.
150 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 4/17/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Clothing as Aspirational - Topic of the day 4/17/24
Do you think intent, conscious or otherwise, matters? I think there's a difference between someone signaling and their fashion happening to signal something
150 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 4/17/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Clothing as Aspirational - Topic of the day 4/17/24
Maybe? I emphasized class status since a lot of the comments I saw before seemed to be about it but I read Status and Culture and tried to use it the same way Marx did by including subcultural status. I feel like no one has said anything that is against anything I've claimed, which is why I'm confused about why there's so much pushback. Maybe it would help if I state the inverse position that I disagree with:
Fashion primarily exists for people to signal their social status to others. There is no way to detach the way someone dresses from their status within broader culture and their subcultures
Do either of you( @ll.beansandrice , @Kareem Gom Jabbar ,@cdfchopper) agree with the above statement? Because if not then we are probably agreeing more than disagreeing.
150 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 4/17/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Clothing as Aspirational - Topic of the day 4/17/24
It's not but it's a counter to the idea that fashion is signaling status. I gave examples later that were tied to things unrelated to status altogether
150 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 4/17/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Clothing as Aspirational - Topic of the day 4/17/24
I would never deny that many WASP country club types use clothing to demonstrate their wealth, but many also dress to try to hide their wealth or look more appealing/trustworthy to people of a lower class. I think Marx made a really good point about how a lot of times people signal their status within a subculture through fashion (i.e. dressing like a goth or a stoner, etc) which is separate from broader social hierarchies. But I think even that is only true to a point.
150 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 4/17/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Clothing as Aspirational - Topic of the day 4/17/24
What I meant is that fashion is not inherently tied to status. Many people and institutions use fashion as a way to gatekeep and otherwise demonstrate their social status, but I think that's far from universal
150 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 4/17/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Clothing as Aspirational - Topic of the day 4/17/24
Did you interpret my initial post as saying that clothing isn't about status?
150 replies