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All posts for Andronix App
Vscode for ubuntu xfce
usless After apt upgrade
Error while setting up kali linux
Why is it not generating url?
While Installing kali linux
My bug
Kali Linux Vnc Server Error
ubuntu modded xfce browser cant play youtube video
Everytime I try connect to VNC I get hit with authorization error even tho I'm putting in the right
Can't install termux
Port can not be contacted
VNC EROR: "the computer domain name could not be resolved"
VNC issues (I think)
Problem with command line ./ for moded os
Can't create vncsever
Nodded Ubuntu XFCE won't install, permission denied
internet does not work.
someone please help me
Errors on 1st Run
Debian xfce
Modded OS Ubuntu XFCE
Proof problems help won't install
thunderbird error
root version to rooted version?
Vnc not working
error: Unable to connect to system bus
Why takin so long?
not installing
problem with choice Gui system
Unable to install the Ubuntu 22 Os
Ubuntu xfce will not cooperate
Please check your connectivity
Manjaro XFCE moded os comand don`t work
Can't start x server on debian
Manjaro not installing
modded os
Browser error
Remove root privileges
how to update repositories... modded os's
xz: (stdin): File format not recognized
Help with going from XFCE to GNOME
the package android-tools dont work
Ubuntu xfce missing icons and themes
`vncserver-start` exits with status 127 - Kali LXQT
Ubuntu works only 1 minute then freezing
No such architecture
vncpasswd error
Can't open folder on VSCode Ubuntu v22 Modded
Firefox browser crashes on fresh install Ubuntu v22 modded
VNC will disconnect
how do you start the distro?
What Password Ubuntu Linux Moded
I don't know where to go from here
need to increase download limit
KDE modded install... how do I change the TimeZone?
Limit exceeded want to increase
Void Linux SSL Error
Modded manjaro not working
cant install android tools
how to use hardware mouse/find ip to connect to vnc on a separate computer
Ubuntu 22 mod error
Attempting to install KDE but it keeps failing
Package Installation and DNS Resolution Issues on Ubuntu 22.04 (CLI Only)
Will they be released Stalker 2 on Playstation 5?
How to delete the linux system?
when running vncserver-start command vncserver doesn't start
it wont lemme dowload
Couldn't find capture devices: getifaddrs: Permission denied
Error when trying to install Debian in termux
adb connect
Unable to access data folder
bash: No such file or directory
How do i start vnc server after closing
Debian xfce andronix termux Real VNC
I want to translate the app fully in german.
Cannot Install Ubuntu XFCE Modded OS
Need to kill process to exit Termux after installing Ubuntu 22.04
I need help
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
ggggggggggg LAUREN DEAGLE RESCUE 🛟🥽....,.,,.sos rescue please thx mr phf 121 921 999 666 55 101G-
Cant install anything
it keep spamming y instead of 1
how can I delete Linux from the storage of my android device after using it
Help Start a distro has error
server closes and loses connection randomly
I can't login to my user account. I've tried changing the password.
after i made the vm with linux help
Vnc server not working
does installing arch reset data? incl. photos in gallery
open ports
Will the snap package manager work on modded ubuntu?
can't open any site on firefox
Phantom processes Matepad Pro 13.2
termux broken?
Can i connect xfce server from another device?
pls help
Ibus bamboo and chromium installation error
need help identifying
The X, - and window mode just doesn't exist in Kali LXQT
when I wanna debug its show ${workspace}
Vs code not show anything when I press it
How do I access my VNC server from other devices in my network?
How do I Change VNC Password
unable to launch vscode on Ubuntu modded os
BTI protection won't turn on in Fedora instalation
Why are browsers like this?
The app won´t install after selecting Desktop Mode
why can't I connect to my vnc server ?
error 404 files not found
i need more download quota
Help please
black screen
i need help
vncserver-start not working
What should I do if Ubuntu doesn't start after restarting termux?
Andronix server down
Accessing phone camera
My money is gone
Fedora update distro
moded Ubuntu unable to use apt install/upgrade
Can't install any distro
Issue proot warning: can't sanitize binding
what do I do
Need help with package manager & NVC
Authentication Failed in OS
Problem with vnc server
Firefox Esr Tab Crash
Modded Os Black Screen issue on Xfce but is working fine in lxqt
Can't uninstall ubuntu
Cant download my Modded OS i need more Downloads
KALI LINUX vncserver-start not working
I can't reopen Ubuntu
Can't start a VNC server
modded ubuntu firefox crashes
command won't respond
I cannot switch users or log out.
Android Modded OS Black Screen
no such file or directory
Android 13/Connection fail/Modded Manjaro/termux
vnc host name unknown
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Process completed (Signal 9)
Installing Themes
moded os ubuntu
Ubuntu xfce modded os not working
SSH Access
Can't install an OS
Group & Other -rm permissions & add Read & Write for Owner What the general effect of chmod 700
Cant start VNC server for Kali Linux
Can't connect to VNC
Cannot connect to, can't install Ubuntu XFCE
How to navigate back to root@localhost after closing termux?
Cannot start XFCE4
xubuntu 18.04 web browser does not work
Failed to execute child process
cant use systemctl.
Can't login after update
Appstore buttons not working
Helo,Please help me
Can't config repository
running the desktop environment
I'm not sure what to do.
cant start vnc server with kali
ifconfig command not found
Followed documentation for pulse audio on the andronix website but it did not work.
how do I start Debian? further more hour do I shut it down properly?
Bug: Uninstall command deleted wrong distro
404 errors when installing packages with apt (Debian)
No internet connection
Domain name could not be resolved.
Cant run apt update in Modded Debian Xfce
Can't use Termux with Andronix
error when trying to install Ubuntu kde modded os
Can't sync packages Manjaro modded after installation
Manjaro modded - internet failure. URGENT.
Vscode Can't running Ubuntu XFCE MOD OS
First command doesn't work in termux
bash: ./ no such fine or dictionary
Black screen
Can't run Ubuntu 22.04
vscode issue
Black screen help pls
Error when trying to fix the "Process Completed (Signal 9)" Error
internet not working on modified os
Can't start VNC server
Can someone help me?
error for installing ubuntu
Can't login to web
Eroare la descarcare
how to switch language from English to Portuguese in Ubuntu XFCE Modded OS?
OS-suggestion (Nix0S)
Can't install anything + Authentication Failure
Could not sync environment to dbus
Kali Linux VNC Setup Error