Void Linux SSL Error

So, I was installing the Void Linux Distribution with LXDE and this occurred on Termux a bit after executing this command-
pkg update -y && pkg install wget curl proot tar -y && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndronixApp/AndronixOrigin/master/Installer/Void/void-lxde.sh && chmod +x void-lxde.sh && bash void-lxde.sh
pkg update -y && pkg install wget curl proot tar -y && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndronixApp/AndronixOrigin/master/Installer/Void/void-lxde.sh && chmod +x void-lxde.sh && bash void-lxde.sh
As you can see, it told me to update the xbps package by running xbps-install -u xbps and so I did. But it's telling me there is an SSL Certificate error on this website- alpha.de.repo.voidlinux.org? I installed Termux from the F-Droid website as an APK package if that helps. The version is 0.118.1 Is this a problem of the website or is there any way to get it working?
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7 Replies
StreakBlend•7mo ago
You have not installed wget apt update && apt install wget Try this Then check for next
StreakBlend•7mo ago
Sorry, I tried but it's the same
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Anas1220OP•7mo ago
Hmm 😔 I guess I'm just going to have to use something other than void
StreakBlend•7mo ago
Here is the full installation for aarch64 Noo wait pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install x11-repo pkg install termux-x11-nightly pkg install tur-repo pkg install pulseaudio pkg install proot-distro pkg install wget pkg install git Do this Then proot-distro install void To login proot-distro login void
Anas1220OP•7mo ago
Thanks for the reply, but I think that's way too much of a hassle for me. I'm going to try to install another distro and if I'm successful, I'll mark this thread as done.
StreakBlend•7mo ago

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