Can someone help me?

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6 Replies
indeededa (INACTIVE)
apt-install tigervnc-standalone-server Maybe it will fix?
Not op but the exact same error appears in the command that is supposed to fix it
raycert072y ago
The fix is to install an os that has a desktop environment There is no command that is supposed to fix it Also don't just put "can someone help me" as a name for a forum. That is not useful for other people looking for answers. Part of the use of the forums is for people to look at Old conversations on how to fix things. It's not just a place to ask for help, that's what support channel is for. And you put on the termux tag. This isn't a termux related issue.
raycert072y ago
Dude what are you even talking about And you are typing bogus commands You have never typed in this thread in your life Why are you typing in it now These are for individual issues Apt-install isn't a command Neither is y or o
unko5alt2y ago
Don't blame me! I did this!

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