Black screen
Everything works fine, but when I tried to connect to GUI I get this.
Device Information
App Version 7.1-rc1-release
Version Code 96
Device Manufacturer Xiaomi
Device Name redwood
Device Model 22101320G
Device Brand POCO
Android Version 13
CPU Arch aarch64
Storage Total 224.65GB
Storage Free 44.95GB
RAM Total 7.02GB
Is Device Rooted false
6 Replies
What OS
That was 2 weeks ago...
I have the same issue, but it is sometimes resolved by exiting both Ubuntu and termux, then trying again.
Whenever I switch to another app and return, the screen also turns black. Frustrating..
Using real vnc viewer 4.61*
Probably just the placebo effect
Amd this person doesn't know how to respond in a timely manner
Or how to close the damn channel because they won't say anything
Your not supposed to leave them open
But whatever
Maybe it would be worthwhile to try Debian to see if that works?